We have created a list of 1468 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter B. This is Page 5 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Bindhiya: Dew drop
Bindi: Small Round to Wear on Forehead
Bindiya: Drop, Point, A forehead decoration - often a red dot; Small dot
Bindu: Drop, Point
Bindushri: Point
Bindy: Pretty snake, A Diminutive of Belinda
Bine: A form of Bin, meaning bee.
Binesh: Clever
Biniqua: A diligent person, quick and understanding
Binita: Modest
Biniyam: Amharic (Ethiopian) form of Benjamin
Binnaz: A Thousand Blandishments, I.E. Charming
Binnur: A Thousand Lights
Binny: Form of Bianca, White; Blessed
Binodini: Handsome,Beautiful Radha
Binsa: A woman who is fearless.
Bint: Daughter, Female
Binta: With God
Binti: Daughter
Bintulbahr: Daughter of the Sea
Binu: Created With Immense Power
Binyelum: Stay with me.
Bipasha: A river
Bipsha: Wealth,Flourish
Bira: Having husband & male child
Birajini: present
Bird: Unusual Nature Name
Birdee: birdlike, a child's term for a bird, a score of one stroke under par at a hole in Golf
Birdelle: Little bird
Birdena: Bird like
Birdey: Unusual Nature Name
Birdie: Little Bird, Unusual Nature; Bright
Birdine: Little Bird
Birdy: Birdlike, Bright
Birewar: A responsible, deserving and technical individual
Birget: A protecting woman.
Birgit: This is the original viking name, meaning "the strong one". Birgit was documented approx. 8 years before Birgitta, Birgitte, Brigitta and Brigitte and all of the other forms.
Birgita: To Help, The Exalted One
Birgith: Estonian variant of Brigid, meaning noble.
Birgitta: Powerful, strong
Birgitte: Comes from old Norse "bjart" meaning bright one or radiant. This is a variant of the Swedish Birgitta and the English Bridget.
Birjis: Planet, Planet Jupiter
Birleana: A happy, versatile and imaginative individual
Birna: Bear (female).
Biroja: Friend of Radha
Birrah: Good Deed
Birsen: You are Unique
Birta: Bright and vibrant.
Biruta: From Lithuanian "byran?iu", meaning Äž_x0093_snow". The Romanian form is Viru?a.
Birva: Leaf
Birwa: Kurdish word for belief
Bisa: Greatly Loved
Bisanpreet: Love Of God
Bisaria: One who likes to be in association and has sense of duty
Bisera: Derived from the South Slavic word biser pearl.
Biserka: Pearl
Bishakha: Star
Bishan: God Who Is Immaculate
Bishara: Good tidings.
Bisharah: Name of a female narrator of Hadith.
Bisi: She who is a first-born daughter in the family
Bisma: Bisma is Unknown
Bismal: Fragrance
Bissan: A magnificent woman
Biswabandita: A name of Goddess Durga
Biswambhara: The Earth
Biswarupa: Beautifull
Bita: Unique
Bitti: Early
Biva: Ray,beautiful
Bivadi: A place name, variation of Bhiwadi a name of the city in India
Bivatigirni: A woman who is a true and honest bauty
Bizziza: Victory
Bjaraja: One who can appreciate life and find success
Björg: This name means help and protection and is derived from Old Norse.
Björk: It is the Icelandic word for Birch.
Blaca: A white and shining woman
Blagorodna: A noble woman
Blaguna: Feminine form of Blagun, meaning sweet, pleasant of blessed.
Blaine: Thin, lean, slight
Blair: Field Or Plain
Blaire: plain, field, battlefield
Blaise: Stammerer
Blaisha: A creative, sensitive and loving individual
Blaithin: Flower, Little; Blossom
Blake: Pale
Blakeley: Pale-skinned, Dark
Blakely: Pale-skinned, Dark; Pale Meadow
Blakelyn: A dark-complexioned man sho shines
Blakemore: From the Dark Moor
Blakenee: Pale-skinned, Dark
Blakeney: Pale-skinned, Dark
Blakeny: Pale-skinned, Dark
Blakesly: She who comes from the clearing of dark wolves
Blanaid: Means "blossom".
Blanc: A white woman
Blanca: White
Blanch: Fair, White; Pale
Blanche: White
Blanchefleur: From the French, meaning "White Flower"
Blancheflour: White flower
Blanda: Dazzling
Blandina: Latin name meaning "charming"
Blandine: Latin name meaning "charming"
Blanka: white
Blathnaid: Flower, Blossom
Bláthnaid: Name of a blossoming flower, one who blends
Blayre: Female Version of Blair, Flatland
Blaze: A Flame
Blenda: Dazzling Bright
Blendenna: Probably from german "blenden" or old english "blendan", both meanind "blinding, dazzling"
Blenined: An individual who likes devotion towards work and life
Blennie: Short for "Blendenna", from german "blenden" or old english "blendan", "blinding, dazzling".
Blerina: Fresh greenness
Blerte: Albanian name which means green
Blessin: A woman who is blessed
Blessing: Consecration
Blessy: Blessing, Lucky Thing; Good Thing
Bletsung: Consecrated
Bleuzen: The Bretons form of the Welsh Blodwen, meaning white flowers
Blevine: A child who is like a wolf cub
Blida: A very gentle woman
Blima: Yiddish name meaning "blossom."
Bliss: Perfect Joy
Blissany: Full of Grace and Joy
Blisse: Delight, Joy; Intense Happiness
Blita: A very strong woman
Blith: A carefree, happy and joyous individual
Blitha: Independant or blissfull or contented.
Blithe: Happy, merry, glad and lighthearted person
Bliths: Joy
Blocca: A woman who is craftsman who uses blocks
Blodwyn: Flower
Bloem: Bloom
Blondell: Blond, Fair-haired; Little Pale One
Blondelle: Blonde
Blondene: Fair-haired, Variation of the Spanish Blandina; Flattering
Blossom: Flower-Like
Blostm: Fresh
Blue: The Color
Bluebell: Flower Name
Bluesette: A name of the instrumental jazz,blues song
Bluma: A Flower, Bloom
Blume: Yiddish word for flower.
Bly: To Be A Tall Child
Blyss: Delight, Joy; Intense Happiness
Blysse: Delight, Joy; Happiness
Blyth: carefree
Blythe: Happy
Bmidele: A Yoruba term meaning follow me home.
Bo: Precious
Boadicea: A Queen of the Iceni Victory, Name of a Heroic Queen of Early Britain
Boahinmaa: The one who has left her community.
Bobba: A woman who is a famus light
Bobbe: Germanic - Bright Famous One, Famously Famous; Bright Fame; Strange; Foreign
Bobbee: Bright Fame, Strange
Bobbette: Bright Fame
Bobbey: Bright Fame
Bobbi: bright famous one, famously famous
Bobbie: bright famous one, famously famous
Bobby: Short For Robert
Bobbye: Bright Fame
Bobette: A little one who is bright and famous
Bobina: A little flame that burns brightly
Bobine: She who is like a bright flame
Bobinette: A little woman who is a very bright flame
Bocca: A woman who is like a doe
Bodhana: A woman who is awake and expand
Bodicca: A woman who is a great victor
Bodil: One who finds remedy in a battle
Bodile: A fighting woman.
Bodilla: A variant of Bodile, meaning a fighting woman.
Bodunde: Came with Christmas or one who was born during Christmas.
Boga: One who is good with a bow
Bogdana: A woman who is god-given
Boguslawa: She who brings glory to God
Boh: An expression in Italian meaning "I don't know"
Bohdana: Given by God
Boheme: A person of bohemian nature
Bohumila: God-favor
Bohuslava: A woman who always glorifies the almighty.
Boipelo: A very proud person
Bojana: She who is a fighter in the battles
Bokil: A person who excels in every field, responsible
Bolanile: The wealth of this house.
Bolanle: One who finds wealth at home.
Bolatito: A Yoruba term meaning how joy sanctifies me.
Bolatta: Greenlandic form of Bolette, meaning battle remedy.
Bolorerdene: Crystal treasure
Bolormaa: Crystal mother
Bolour: A woman who is like a crystal
Boluwaji: Rise up with Lord.
Boluwatife: As God wishes, one who follows the will of God.
Bona: A woman who acts in a good manner
Bonajoia: She who brings good joy
Bonelle: A beautiful woman with good nature
Bong-Cha: The ultimate girl
Bonie: A woman who is gorgeous, beutiful
Boniface: One with a good faith
Bonita: A pretty little woman