Cutting Chai- A Refreshment And A Feeling

Ayusmita Parida
Mar 28, 2019   •  117 views
Every chai lover knows the love and need for tea in every day life.

So,refreshment is something needed by each and everyone present in universe as a human. When we talk about "re-freshment" , definitely we have 'chai' or 'coffee' in our mind. There is a different kind of love for tea among the diversity of the world.

You must have heard very common statement from people of Mumbai, "bhaiya ek cutting chai dena " ( give me a cutting chai).Basically this cutting chai is love not only for Mumbaikars but also for whole India. Cutting chai enthusiasm started in Mumbai and gradually spread over the nation. This tea is provided in 'tapri' (small tea stalls).When a full cup of tea cuts into half it becomes cutting chai.It has not become so popular because of this one reason but for an another reason.

This chai includes various masalas (spices) in it like Elaichi, Adrak (Ginger), saunf,cardamom etc. These ingredients make it more flavored and aromatic. This is boiled for longer period of time with more amount of milk to make it more stronger which means "kadak chai". This is given in a small tea glass. Usually this is taken with 'muska bun', 'khari biscuits' , bhujia etc.Served in mathka or wide cup also called 'mathka chai' for the material used to serve or 'masala chai' due to its ingredients in it.This trend got initiated by seeing the craze for tea among people.Fact says that an individual should have 1-3 times a cup of tea. When one cup of tea is cut into half, a person can have chai for more times in a day for the same amount of tea. Therefore people enjoy cutting chai at any time as per their choice. Let it be the morning tea or evening tea after office chai is only option to fresh our mind.

Nowadays many cafes even CCDs have also started providing cutting chai.This is a beverage which doesn't need an appropriate time or occasion to have it. It's an emotion for chai or tea lovers. The projects or business deals which were being made inexpensive restaurants or cafes are taking their time and space in tapris nowadays.

Any meeting or rendezvous is not complete without a cutting chai. Let it be finishing off exam or an interview cutting chai is must for relaxation.A hectic schedule or a hard office work can be made lighten by taking a sip of it with a partner in intervals.A person just forget his dejections,miseries with this tea.Friends and cutting chai has an old relationship.Handling a friend after a heartbreak or any exam discussion or planning a trip with the group has a link with tapris.

In this world of coffee and genuine love by people for any normal tea or coffee,the charm of cutting chai could never been compared.

How can someone forget about spending the mid night in a sea beach with a chai in hand?

This is one of the isolated and peaceful experience ever one can have with their best person beside them. Sitting in a beach , watching out the waves attacking the shore, listening to the music made by waves and having half glass tea in hand is an amazing time one can spend in his life.The music in radio and the smell of boiling of this aromatic tea and hustle bustle of people around the station could be observed over any city. For travellers traveling in late nights in train, buses,etc.,cutting chai is freshness for everyone.

Any change can be observed in on going life game but the cutting chai will always be constant in every relationship.


Profile of Dibyakanta Acharya
Dibyakanta Acharya  •  5y  •  Reply
Really.. Sirf 5 rupee ka cheez pura din ka thakan mitadeta he... Ye he cutting chai 👌👌