Do you find working in office boring ? have dozed off on your desh and have become a subject of ridicule for your colleagues? If yes, dont worry you are not alone my friend, there are plenty of people who have been there and done that. owing to varied lifestyles and the nature of work, feeling sleepy in office is quite normal.
But at times it can hamper you work as well as your image in your work place, so here are 5 remedies to aviod sleeping during office hours:
Caffine or tea: Take a coffee or tea break in the morning itself to make the body active and the mind alert foe the rest of the day.
Become Active: Instead of being a lazy couch potato, stand and walk around in the office or maybe strike a small conversation with the colleages.
Drink Water: Benefits of drinking water are uncountable and among them is the keepimg you active. So when feeling sleepy drink lots of water or a glass of cold water to jerk up your mind.
Lower the AC temperature or take off a sweater: When the atmosphere is not cosy and according to your comfort, dosing off is quite impossible.
Peppermint oil: Carry a small bottle of peppermint oil with you and one whiff of it is enough to make your mind refreshed for a long time.
Although these are temorary tips, but with little change in lifestyle and sleeping habits will help in keeping you active for the whole day.
Try these tips and do let me know the results!!!!!