The God Particle: If The Universe Is The Answer, What Is The Question?

Arpita Papalkar
Feb 14, 2019   •  14 views

Many people wonder what exactly is god particle whose original name is “Higgs Boson”. I want to give a small glimpse of what it exactly is and why we should know about it. It is an elementary particle produced by quantum excitation of Higgs field.

Over the past few decades, the physicists have developed a theoretical model (the Standard Model) that gives a framework for our current understanding of the forces of nature and fundamental particles. The main aspect of this model is a quantum field that is responsible for giving particles their masses. This field is an answer to why everything and every particle has mass. This field is called the Higgs field. Everything in the Universe is made from fundamental particles. Discoveries said that all particles had no mass just after the Big Bang. As the Universe cooled and the temperature fell below a critical value, an invisible force field which became commonly known as the 'Higgs field' was formed together with the associated particle, now called the 'Higgs boson'.Any particle that interacts with this field is given a mass. The more they interact, the heavier they become, whereas particles that never interact are left with no

mass at all.

Finding this particle would give an insight into why certain particles have mass, and help to develop subsequent physics. The Higgs is part of many theoretical equations underpinning scientists' understanding of how the world came into being. If it doesn't exist, then those theories would need to be fundamentally overhauled. The fact that it apparently does exist means scientists has been on the right track with their theories.

A God particle can travel faster than the speed of light given the right precise circumstances. There is no solid proof that the god particle exist. Now our main aim is to prove that it exists and is fundamental force of the universe which can make the universe as well as break the universe.

