Everyone loves a four-legged companion, the ones those who never break our hearts, yet melt them with their joy and affection. Yes, dogs are adorable and if you own one you could relate to the showers of unimaginable love and joy waiting for you once you get back home. The breed or the species may vary but their value and importance in our life will always be a constant.

How many of us have pet dogs? If you ask me, I don't have one and I sometimes I feel jealous of my friends who raise them. So, why are they given so much importance at our home? Why can't we consider ourselves as owners but include them as part of our family? The reason is simple; unlike us, they love us unconditionally and remain loyal, developing a valuable bond. Apart from these there a gazillion reasons to own a dog as at the end of the day, I am sure that they will definitely give you double the amount of love you give them.

But we human beings do not deserve dogs as we, the apex predator corrupts everything we touch and sadly to say, the days where people were passionate about dogs and their counterparts are truly gone since dog business has become a monopoly. When people purchase a puppy from a local pet store or a dealer, no one realizes the cruelty adult dogs go through in breeding farms. Female dogs are abused and experimented on, enabling them to breed twice or thrice in two years. Once they fulfill their role, they are abandoned or usually killed to avoid any animal rights activist or organization uncovering their trade. All that is advertised in the billboards and pet stores are just an eyewash as the common man is gullible.

Though breeding farm abuse is part of a growing issue, the major part of the problem is half baked people who purchase these puppies or adult dogs just for the status. Though they realize they could not care for it frequently, they still go through with it irresponsibly and once when it reaches adulthood or old age, they simply abandon it. As these dogs were raised in luxury suppressing their primal instincts to search for food, they cannot cope up with harsh environments especially in India. As I said earlier, they love us unconditionally but it really hurts when the owner surrenders them. There are so many recorded cases where people have turned their back on dogs and 90% of them have resulted in fatalities. The most recent was increasing in Husky ownership around the globe due to a popular TV show “Game of Thrones” that portrays a husky named ‘Ghost’. However, the outcome was still the same as most people who could not afford to nurture them, deserted them.

There are many instances were similar incidents have happened and I can go on and on but its high time we focus on what is at stake here. If an animal with 5 senses can arguably be claimed as ‘Man’s Best Friend’ why can’t we take steps to avert this conundrum with 6 senses. Though we score only a mere 2.2 on the food chain index along with rodents and anchovies, it is our ability to reason and logic that differentiates us to be the top most predator in the food chain.

So, let's stop our selfishness and absurdity and do good to them who just want to be left alone. Let us join hands to rehabilitate abandoned dogs and always adopt, do not buy. It is the consumers demand that fuels their business and trade, once we realize that we sure can find a way to put an end to this parasitic problem once and for all. I hope its not too late.



Profile of Rashmi Jain
Rashmi Jain  •  5y  •  Reply
hi, loved it. please check my articles also and give them a view.
Profile of Joseph Pm
Joseph Pm  •  5y  •  Reply
superb Sneha kutty
Profile of Janet Nivedha
Janet Nivedha  •  5y  •  Reply
Veryyyy niceeee