Pollution In Metropolitan Cities : Is Your City One Of Them ?

Ankita Saloni
May 17, 2019   •  39 views

Pollution has become a global issue and a matter of grave concern in the past few years. Whether it is air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution or any other, the level of pollution has been increasing at an alarming rate. Though no place, whether urban or rural, can claim that they have remain untouched by pollution all these years, but the condition of pollution in most of the Metropolitan cities is a matter of serious concern, on a national as well as an international platform.

Though the existence of pollution has become many centuries old but it has registered its presence as a topic of international concern a few decades ago, when the rising levels of pollution lead to the increase in global warming all across the world.

Pollution is broadly divided into four major categories namely water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution. (Light pollution, thermal pollution and radioactive pollution being the minor ones)

Out of them, water pollution and air pollution are the ones giving rise to many deadly diseases.

This scenario of Pollution is more grave in developing nations as they contribute the most to the increasing levels of pollution, even more than the underdeveloped nations.

Water Pollution

Sewage, trash, garbage, human residuals and ash, untreated waste and chemicals , when released in water bodies, contaminates the water, thus contributing to water pollution.

It is life threatening for aquatic animals and destroys their natural ecosystem, thus killing them at a large extent. The residuals of these poisonous substances later on gets involved in their food chain and passed on from one level to another, thus leading to the accumulation of toxic substances in their bodies, which are eventually passed on to human beings, either directly or indirectly.

Air Pollution

Another dominant form of pollution is Air pollution. The smoke from industries and incinerators, from Vehicles, or the residuals from burning garbage in the open, they all contribute to the Air pollution.

It gives rise to many airborne diseases like asthma, lung infection, bronchitis and at times, lung cancer.

  • Breathing in a polluted city whose AQI is more than 400 ppm is equal to smoking 4 cigarettes at a time, giving a tight competition to the smokers.

These high pollution levels have contributed their best in increasing the high mortality rate in these metropolitan areas and at times, incurable birth defects too.

These examples are good enough for us to introspect that how miserably we have failed at preserving the nature that has given everything to us and never demanded anything back. This pollution is a reward to this nature from our side, as a result of serving us selflessly for many years.

But it is no joke. Pollution is a serious issue. This beautiful planet is an invaluable gift to us from our ancestors. We don't own it.

We have to pass it on to our future generation.

We have enjoyed the nature. Let them enjoy too. They won't be so grateful to us if they were have to admire the sun burning land, devoid of any water or greenery, from their tightly packed AC rooms or if they have to sleep in the freezing nights with an oxygen mask around their face.

Trust me. They won't be grateful at all.
So, let's make this planet a better place to live.

Say no to pollution and yes to the planet.

It is the best gift that we can give to those who are waiting for it in the future.



Profile of Krishna Sehrawat
Krishna Sehrawat  •  5y  •  Reply
good job