Accident Detection In A Parking System

Ananya Jha
May 19, 2019   •  1 view

Abstract: In this literature we have proposed an OWL ontology to detect accidents that take place in a parking lot. We have used Protege tool to implement the same. Protege Reasoner has been used to write rules in SWRL that is Semantic Web Rule language. This is a project that can contribute towards Intelligent Transport System(ITS). This project can be further extended to large scale and can be used to detect accidents and anomalous activities that takes place in a road or in a traffic system. This project has been designed so, as to avoid accidents that take place in a parking lot. .

Introduction:Information is easy to see but difficult to use. An ontology can be defined as a model that represents knowledge in any domain. An ontology captures relationship between two entities in a model. An ontology can also be termed as a knowledge management system where the users pose complex questions based upon the knowledge representation of knowledge and then the results to those questions are displayed. In this era of Big Data voluminous amount of information is being consumed and produced at the same time in varied formats, so there is a need of lucid representation of data so that it is easy to comprehend. Data should be captured in a way such that various relationships between the entities of the data is clearly visible. The data which is incomprehensible is of no value. Main components of an ontology are classes and relationships. Two standards that are concerned with the construction of ontologies are - Resource Description Framework and Web Ontology Language. Ontology is a precise description in an area with reasoning in that subject area.

Classes and relationships are combined so as to assert statement of the real world. In this project we have used ontologies to describe relationship between various entities that exist in a parking lot. There, can be a pillar, a person who can act as obstacle. Combination of classes and relationships is called a Triple. A triple consists of subject predicate and an object. Ontologies are extensible that means new relation can always be added to an existing ontology. Ontologies are popular alternatives to source code. Ontology is managing and capturing knowledge in a newer sense.

There are vaious layers to Semantic Web Rule Language. Semantic is a meaning such that the computer can understand the logic or atleast implement the logic. Here, bottom layer is Unicode and Uniform Resource Identifier. This is like a name plate given to everything captured on the web. Unicode is a code language that gives number to every written character in the world. Now, above this addressing scheme and unicode base we have xml and anything and everything we have with xml. Using xml it Semantic Web Rule will use the RDF which stands for Resource Description Framework. Using RDF we will be able to build an ontology vocabulary that used in building the ontology.

