Hair Damage - You Hairs Are Hungry

Akansha Makhija
Apr 24, 2019   •  10 views

The ideal concept that you have to have a "Good Hair Day" every day is all we work for and if we don't have it we consider our hairs to be damaged. Damaged hair is not all about dry hair or some split ends, it's the way your hairs look or feel which you know is not its best form.

We often get this damage by any of the following ways-

·Unfavorable environment (too much heat or humidity)
·Chemical exposure (harsh shampoo or other hair products)
·Using impure water (untreated or water with a high level of chlorine)
·You hairs need FOOD.

There can be more reason but these top the list.

Damage not only a reflection of bad health but it can also reduce your confidence and actually make you more self-conscious.

Damage is also not about the type of hairs you have, even the girl with short and straight hairs can have multiple hair problems, removing your curly or cutting your hairs is not the answer for your hair damage.

I am one of those girls who always get compliments for my hairs as do have natural soft curls and decent hair length but what people forget that when they are comparing their hairs to mine, they are not considering all the work I put into them and think that I am just blessed with good genetics.

I will share that one DIY hack that I follow for my hairs, it can't be one quick solution to all your problems but it sure is something that worked for me and I saw the results from the very first attempt.

We all know how Wine is considered as a health booster for our hairs but due to its high cost, not everyone can actually go for it. Well, I use black grape juice in place of wine.

Yes, results are not as fast as Wine but in comparison, it is actually cost-free and sure easy to add into your daily routine.

Just spray some fresh grape juice on your hairs and was them after 30 mins.

It works as the best conditioner and also helps you hairs to recover from the possible damages.

So remember your hairs need love, care and food, apparently mine loves grapes.

