I've a thing for sunsets. I love to observe them, everyday, everywhere.

I love how the colours rise at the fall of the day, at the fall of the time. And, I think we all are yearning in some way or another to be the sunset drenched in the magic of colours.

The sunset that mends the loopholes of the day, the frustation, the suffering, the tiredness, the mess & chaos, the cursed moments, & the unlived ones. I'd gladly be one such sunset.

With each colour of it narrating a tale of my being, a story of who I'm who I yearn to be. Isn't the colourful rise against the blurred picture of everything that passed worth losing yourself for?

Won't you love to to be the colour of calm that knows the art of contemplating the beauty you are & everything around you is, as well ?

I"ll gladly be the moment, the emotion, the sunset, worthy of admiring the beauty everything in actuality possesses when viewed with the lens of heartfelt appreciation. I"ll gladly drench myself in a sunset of stories of who I'm & who I yearn to be.