Monowi- City With Population Of Only 1 Person

Aashna Mittal
Jun 17, 2019   •  29 views

An incorporated village, Monowi which is situated in Nebraska, United States has a population of only 1 person. This village has an area of 0.21sqmi (0.55km2).

According to the census of year 2000, it had total population of 2 people living there. Rudy and Elsie Eiler both were married couple, living there. Rudy died in 2004, leaving his wife as the only remaining resident there. In this village of only one single person living there, Elsie herself acts as Mayor, granting herself a liquor licence and paying taxes to herself. Also she is required to produce a municipal road plan each year so as to secure state funding for the village's four street lights.

There's a bar called the Monowi Tavern which is operated by Elsie Eiler for passing trade in this abondoned village.

Elsie also maintains the 5,000-volume Rudy's Library, which was founded by her in memory of her late husband Rudy Eiler.

The village name Monowi means "flower" in an unidentified Native American language.

Ofcourse this was not the same as present. In the 1930s, Monowi was a relatively bustling rail road town of 150 people living there with several businesses including grocery stores, restaurants, and even a prison. But gradually with the time passing, people lost there jobs to automation, farming conditions worsened there, hence they started moving to cities in search of better opportunities. The ones who stayed there gradually passed away.

In an interview Elsie said she doesn't feel bad or lonely as living there is her own choice. She also told country people that she is being asked, what happens when you're gone? She says "That's not my worry. I believe in living each day and not worrying about down the road. I'm going to enjoy it while I am alive."

