Hanko Stamp - Japanese Signature

Aashna Mittal
Jun 18, 2019   •  52 views

We often sign important documents as a mark and proof of identity and intend. We all know the value of signatures but ever wonder not everyone in this world sign their documents, Japanese people have a special kind of hanko stamp which they use in lieu of signatures in their personal documents or office paperwork, contracts, art, or any item requiring acknowledgement or authorship .

In Japan these seals (hanko) have historically been used to identify individuals involved in government and trading from ancient times as well as present time.

Hanko stamps (判子) or they are also referred as Han or Inkan . They are made of stone, horn, wood or rubber stamps. They are created with the individuals name on the bottom of the stamp and are basically the signature that we western people are familiar with. Japanese use these stamp every single day practically wherever they want to.

The history of hanko is quite different and interesting as hanko stamps came to Japan from China. Earlier it was available only to the top authority officials in government. It took almost thousand years before hanko stamps were made available for the general population to finally be able to use.

Japanese people were not allowed to have any surname or family name (myouji) back till the 19th century.

These hanko stamps are now in hands of every common people and are made simple of the last name or the surname (myouji) instead of their first names.

Hanko stamps or simply hanko are of two different shapes which may be round or square. Round shaped hanko are used by the individuals or common people whereas square hanko are used by the organisations.

In Japan , people do not add their designation such as doctor or sensei to their hanko stamps. This is because it is seen as a sign of insecurity to tell other people who you are.

As a foreigner, we can also use hanko stamps in Japan for certain purpose or legal documents but not all. But if we wish to go extra mile ahead, we need to register hanko with the government.



Profile of Vikash
Vikash  •  4y  •  Reply
You write superub!
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Swati Verma  •  4y  •  Reply