There are people who have a habit of speaking too much. Every time you sit with them, they would find something or the other to talk about. And it does sometimes feel good around them, because they never let you get bored. And at some point, you also start presenting your views regarding any topic they start to talk about, and as soon as you start, you are interrupted. And again for a few more minutes, you're the one listening to them, then again you feel like speaking so you start to say something, but after only a few words, they catch up in between agreeing with you and then rather than letting you speak, they again start speaking. After some time, you start becoming frustrated when you talk to such people, because the things that you wanted to say could never come out. It starts making you uncomfortable from within.

Now think again, have you ever done the same to someone? Because if you have, now you know how it feels. So my friend if you know how to speak good, you must also learn how to listen better. That is the key to communication between two people, because no one is going to listen to you all the time, sometimes you gotta keep quiet so that you could listen to them. Not every time people need your words, sometimes they need your silence so that you listen to them. And listening to people is not only beneficial for the one you're listening to but even to you. It is a way through which people can share their ideas with one another.

There are so many things that you are not aware of that you only get to know through other people when you interact with them. Interaction is not just about you speaking but also about listening to others. Interaction is a must for us humans, as it helps share each others thoughts and ideas. So listen so that you could increase yourself in knowledge. There are things that you get to learn only through interaction. By listening to people we learn a lot not just about them but also about a lot of things related to the environment they come from.

And it is also one of the most important aspects of a good communication. If you only keep speaking and don't listen to others, after some time you'll see that people have started distancing themselves from you. They start to lose interest in your talks, because they are not able to keep their views. When the very thing that keeps you connected to people i.e. communication is not healthy than you would start losing people in your life. So at times one must keep quiet so that others around you can come to you and speak about things they want to. Learn to be quiet at times so that you could learn to listen.

