We all must have heard the saying that time heals all wounds. Everytime we're hurt or we're in pain, people ask us to give it some time and it'll be alright. But is it really true? I don't think so. I've had a lot of rough times, and time was never my healer, i tried believing in this very saying but it never helped me. I would say that yes it does bother you less after a while, but on some days the pain comes back to you like some monster haunting you in the middle of the night, and then you're caught up again in the same web that was weaved long ago.

But it isn't that there ain't no healer at all, there is. And do you wanna know who that healer is? Go look in the mirror. Yes, that's you my dear. You are your healer. It depends on you if you want to heal yourself or not, if you want to get out of all those webs that you weaved a long time back. And anything you want is never impossible. You need to trust yourself before anyone else. You need to give yourself all the love and care that you've ever given to anyone else. Before you start needing anyone else in this world, you yourself need to be there for you. And the love that you give yourself is going to heal you one day and not you sitting and waiting for time to do a miracle and make you forget your hard times. You need to realise that you are important, that you are here for a reason and you need to understand that at times you will have to help yourself get out of any bad situation in life. You need to embrace the scars that you have. Don't hide those scars that you have, they make you who you are and eventually they heal not with time but with love. Learn to love yourself before you start to love anyone else. Do things that keep you happy and before you go out and try to make others happy, make sure that you are happy. Find happiness in yourself before looking for it in others.

Don't wait for time to heal you rather give yourself time so that you can heal yourself. Make time for yourself, do what you love, do what makes you happy. Before you include other people in your priority list, don't forget to keep yourself on the top. Don't hide yourself behind any veil of what you aren't. Fight every battle with strength because you're stronger than you can think. Don't wait for the darkness to share your pain, heal yourself when the light is still out there. The darkness will only make you more vulnerable, but the light is your friend, hold its hand and it'll only increase you in strength. You are not meant for the darkness, you are the light when the darkness comes.






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