Are You Moving Forward Or Being Held Back?

Yash Sawant
Jun 08, 2019   •  216 views

A friend of mine asked me if I have ever written something about ‘Moving on’. Well, I might have written a poem that suggests the idea, but never an article. Moving on is something I personally do not believe in. I feel that whatever feelings or emotions we have, we cannot just turn a blind eye to them. We try to suppress them, just so we can appear to be stronger when in reality we are not.

A little bit about this article:

I have never been one to confine the premise of my writings. So when I talk about moving on here, it is definitely not related to a break up, because I really think our life is more than that. It is in general and I am throwing the doors open to you, to think about it in whatever aspect you feel like. Just because I do not feel strongly about moving on, doesn’t mean I feel you should hold on to feelings, people or things who do not deserve to have a niche in your life. I believe in moving forward. As I move forward to unravel the differences, I wanted to add on that my blog has topics about Health and Lifestyle and I think that it is very important to talk about a topic like this because it directly has an influence on the way our health is and the lifestyle that we lead.

While moving on is a concept linked to say, a person, an incident or a particular thing, moving FORWARD is not the same. It is more of a ‘self-concept’. Moving on often requisites something so we could anchor our ship to it and get past it. But anchored ships can’t move, can they? Moving forward is about accepting the situation or the incident, understanding that you cannot ruin your own mental stability fretting about it, and focusing on yourself.

Understanding the difference:

Moving on has got a lot of ‘proving to them that I am strong’ and a lot of unnecessary need to establish connection with the incident in question, whereas moving forward is more about distracting yourself with something that interests you. A hobby, a sport, whatever. The most important difference, however, is not the action but the purpose. Performing something for your own content matters more than trying to make a point. Decide goals, short term or long term and work towards them.

So I think it is all about understanding that your life is way beyond the limits you are trying to stay sheltered within. I say this often, but I have personally experienced this that you never really know how strong you are, until you headfast face the situation. Whatever happened, happened for a reason and life is more about holding on to the things that make you feel alive, than ones which vacuum the life within you.



Profile of Yash Sawant
Yash Sawant  •  4y  •  Reply
Thank you so much!
Profile of Penelope
Penelope  •  4y  •  Reply
Very well written.