Religion plays an important role in shaping political narratives in India. Constitutionally, we are secular state but religion is part and parcel of our day to day life.Our politics is highly influenced by religious sentiments and beliefs. In fact, political parties in our country is known not for their basic ideologies pertaining to developmental works but the way they treat to a particular religion. There is an appeasement politics in terms of religion, castes and crew. India has witnessed religious atrocities in the past. Our country got divided on communal lines. We have had experience of 1984 Sikh riots. We have seen Gujarat riots in 2002 on communal lines. Moreover, Muzaffarnagar riots and all other riots that had happened somewhere had connections to political parties and political leaders. What does this show? Are we really secular?
Actually, giving speeches on secularism is quite easy for the political parties and the leaders but at the back of the mind they do want to appease a particular religion, castes and community. Our regional parties are more or less based on castes and community. They pretend to represent a particular caste.Most of the elections in our country are fought on religious issues. Ram Mandir, Triple Taalak are infamous examples for the same. In every election we see there is Hindu -Muslim debates going on in media coverage. Leaders who are religious biogot get much more media coverage than the the one who talks about education, health and employment. This is what people like to hear and talk so does the leader.
Some political parties have made image as if they are the patrons of minorities. Similarly, Dalitis, are being appeased by a particular political party. Are they really help these communities or the minorities to uplift their life? I don't agree.As a matter of fact ,they have made them their intact vote banks over which they prosper.
In the changing world, people need to have a decent life. For that education, health, employment, security etc. are needed rather than religious buildings and all. Religion do have their own importance in one's life but religion and politics must not be together. It blocks developments. It creates room for religious outrages, communal riots, violence etc. We don't need political parties to save our religion. We do know how to conduct religious practices. India being the land of religious diversities need to understand that religion is just a part of our life it's not the overall need of a individual. Individual preferences and need must be addressed in democracy. State is built with individuals not with a particular religion.