As we have been discussing the perspectives in human psychology, we will continue from where we left.
It started to draw the attention of scientist in this field during the 1960s, was then considered as a new perspective & is effective for developing an understanding of how or our brain process in information. Cognitive approach focuses on the cause of behavior which researchers claim to be their emotions, memory, interpretation of a certain act, influenced by their morals. There are 5 main aspects on which cognitive perspective seem to depend on the most, although there can be others as well:
Cross-cultural perspective is a new branch of psychology, only the tip of the iceberg have been explored so far in two decades. Culture is an important aspect of a person is & how they make choices & take decisions; it is necessary to know the similarities & differences in the cultures across the globe. An association called the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) was established in 1972. Nowadays many scholars study how behavior change from culture to culture, some same give importance to collective growth some may preach individualism. There are the frames in which human behavior can be classified:
·Cultural-comparative psychology
·Cultural Psychology
·Indigenous Psychology
This school of thoughts believes that our traits that developed via evolution, are a result of a recurring problem that our ancestors faced. The researcher believes that the principles of evolution are all that can be applied to psychological processes to understand them better. In this point of view, it is considered that the power to think & process a given set of information arose through evolution because it aids to human survival & reproduction. The whole reason mind processes exist is to fulfill evolutionary psychology.
The humanistic approach is about free will & the individual's choices Promoted by Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. Their perspective emphasis on the fact that everyone has some good in them & inspire them to utilize it up to their full potential. This is a part of positive psychology that promotes growth, character development & self-realization which in turn motivates us to live a happy & more fulfilling life; based on the philosophy of Live Happily & bring Happiness to the world around. There are five essential needs according to this school of thoughts:
·Self-actualization needs
·Physiological needs
·Safety needs
·Belonging needs
·Esteem needs
When all the three aspects interact i.e. biological, psychological & social to give an all-inclusive approach of psychological development.