Between Phases and Changes, Life Happened and We Grew Up.

The 10-year-old me hated waking up early to go to school.

The 20-year-old me wants to go back to school.

And probably the 30-year-old me would want to go back to college.

Live Today to the Fullest they say, it's a present but the truth stays strong. We never realized what we had until it's lost. Memories are all that counts. Good or bad, all of them leave us with a lesson learnt and an experience gained.


Up & high, in the blue sky; it flew,

The blue balloon, I knew.

Glistening in the sunlight, a wink with a smile, it soared,

Over the lakes & the still shimmering ponds,

Then the grey concrete jungles, it drifts.

Free & reckless, rejoiced & elated,

The blue balloon, I knew.

Nostalgia struck me hard, happy days alas, were gone,

The blue balloon, I once was,

For now, it was lost.

Polluted air, dusky winds, blurry vision,

Frantic I got, but I think it strayed,

The blue balloon, I knew.

Dejected through the park, I walk,

Something stolen, & my heart swollen, a part of me long lost,

But, then it fluttered, returned a smirk,

Tangled in the rashy twigs, it struggled,

A swift sway, & it was free again.

A few scratches, but it did survive,

Up & high in the blue sky, it flew again,

The blue balloon, I knew.


I'm the blue balloon, struggling and fighting but promising never to stop.

Each time and each test I didn't fair well, I wanted to give up. I wanted to say, it's not my cup of anything. I wanted to stop.

Each time I thought that I would close my eyes, re-live those sunny summer vacations which I don't have anymore. If I could I would definitely go back when all I did was play in the hot sun but when the school commenced, I didn't forget to do my homework. And the year passed. I did fair well. It was definitely the best time of my life.

Why not today?

Why not now?

The year shall pass and I shall fair well, if and only if I work hard and enjoy what I've.

Each time I want to give up, I think of the Blue Balloon. A few scratches here and there, but I'll survive to see the clear sky.

With belief and faith, just like the blue balloon, we all shall achieve our goals one day. With perseverance and patience at bay, nothing is impossible.

I vow to replace ' can do it' with 'I did it'.

Do you?

