ISRO is that the housing agency of the govt of Bharat headquartered within the town of Bengaluru.

History of ISRO

India's expertise in engineering science began in times of yore once fireworks were 1st utilized in the country, a technology fictional in neighboring China, and that had an in-depth two-way exchange of

ideas and merchandise with Bharat, connected by the Silk Road.
Military use of rockets by Tipu Sultan during the Mysore War against the British inspired William Congreve to invent the Congreve rocket, a predecessor of modern artillery rockets, in 1804.

After Asian country gained independence from British occupation in 1947, Indian scientists and politicians recognized the potential of rocket technology in every defense applications, and for analysis and development.

Recognizing that a rustic as demographically giant as Bharat would need its own freelance house capabilities, and recognizing the first potential of satellites within the fields of remote sensing

and communication, these visionaries set regarding establishing an area analysis organization.

ISRO During 1960-1970

Dr. Vikram Sarabhai was the beginning father of the Indian programme and is taken into account a scientific visionary by several, additionally as a national hero.

After the launch of an orbiter in 1957, he recognized the potential that satellites provided.
India's initial Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, who saw scientific development as an essential part of India's future, placed space research under the jurisdiction of the Department of Atomic Energy in 1961.

The DAE director Homi Bhabha, who was India's atomic program of the father, then established the Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) with Dr. Sarabhai as Chairman in 1962.

The Indian Rohini program was launched to launch rockets of larger size and quality, and therefore the programme was enlarged and eventually gave its own department, break away the

Department of Atomic Energy.
On August fifteenth, 1969 the ISRO was created from the INCOSPAR program below the DAE, continued below the house Commission and eventually the Department of the house, created in June

of 1972.

Aryabhata - India's first satellite

Meanwhile, India started developing satellite technology anticipating the remote sensing and communication needs of the future. India concentrated more on practical missions, manned space programs or robotic space exploration instead of people to be directly beneficial.

The Aryabhata satellite, launched in 1975 from Kapustin Yar employing a Soviet Cosmos-3M launch vehicle, was India's initial satellite.

SLV - India's first satellite launches vehicle

By 1979 the SLV was ready to be launched from a newly-established second launch site, The Satish Dhawan Space Center (SDSC).

The first launch in 1979 was a failure, attributed to a bearing failure within the second stage.
By 1980 The first indigenous satellite launched by India was called Rohini-1.

Some Famous Mission of ISRO






  • Mars Orbit Mission (MOM)

