There are times in life when attachment with something or someone starts eating you from inside. When what was once a respite for you becomes a source of stress. When being with that someone or doing that something nothing more appealed you. When the mere existence of that in your life starts turning your life toxic, when you can't actually be with that without suffocating or belittling yourself, when all else fails......

That's when you need to let go.

Some other times, you might be facing crossroads. The options available might not be to your liking. This is the situation when the other person's growth, happiness or even the whole identity depends on the choices you make. When you being with that one would be detrimental to her. When you keeping that person safe by your side would be actually clipping her wings. When the one needs an open sky to fly and achieve her goals, maybe fall, make mistakes, but learn from them and then get up stronger. When that one might believe remaining here is so good, so meant to be, but both your hearts know that liberation to follow the calling is necessary, sans which, one might end up hating the other.When this is the only better option.....

That's when you need to let go.

John Kornfield said, “To let go does not mean to get rid of. To let go means to let be. When we let be with compassion, things come and go on their own.”

Things which can't be changed according to our will end up being a cause of pain for us. Hence, the solution is to free ourselves from them, to let go.

Holding on to something is undoubtedly a strong thing to do. But letting go when the time comes is equally important, for if one wants to move forward, he has to leave the past behind. It's basically, leave the attachment, keep the lesson.

In the end, I would just say that if you let go something, you let it be on its own, you free yourself from it. But in this process of losing many things, you can reach to yourself, find yourself. And this is something very important!



Profile of Harshit Singh
Harshit Singh  •  4y  •  Reply
Quite good