Humans have fear of many things, such as insects, animals, darkness, spiders, water, and many many more. The list is never ending, every human on this planet has a fear of at least one thing apart from the basic human fears. Basically, humans have only 2 fears, the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. These are the only inborn fears within humans, that are present so as to keep us alive and motivated, so that we can do well in when came across with any dangers. Any other fears or phobias apart these two, are just a matter of results by certain events and situations, that made your mind and emotions feel that way.
But, one can’t live their life with fears, right? There are people who have fear of heights, and hence are avoiding to go in plane, of course, they won’t fell down, but its just because of that feeling in their mind. Some, has got the fear of night, yes, people have this, and due to this, there physical and emotional health gets affected. Trouble in breathing, racing heart rate, chest tightness or pain, dizziness and emotional health such as, they get anxiety attacks, losing control or feeling crazy, feeling that they might die.
One can even have a fear to trust people, which is known as Pistanthrophobia. It basically, entities that a person has gone through some betrayal from a close person, which results the fear of trusting again.
So, whatever the fear maybe, one should not live with it throughout their lives. It is important to overcome fears, and live life with ease. The best thing to remove a fear, is to face the fear. You should understand what causes you fear, and let them be your guide, and let them not control you. Learn about it, tell yourself about it, half knowledge is always dangerous, and hence, when you understand everything, you might not get frightened by it any more. Practice in front of the mirror, visualizing the fear before you act in front of it. Get help from others. Ignore it, you have many other things to be focused on rather than the fear, so move forward.
These few things would definitely help you overcome fear, if not, you can either consult someone, if you think you fear has been causing you so much problem. “Do one thing everyday that scares you.” - Eleanor Roosevelt.