Time: One Of The Precious Thing Of Life

Ananya Gupta
Jun 26, 2019   •  49 views

Time is very precious. It is the key to success. A person who makes good use of his time, he does not have any problem in his life. Always respect time. Time one's lost can never come back. Utilise every second of your life. Try to understand the importance of time.

Your attitude towards time reflects your personality. Never sit ideal, always utilise your time. Value of time is important in everyone's life. A person who waste time can never get a good result. People assess your personality by the way you treat your time.

Money lost can be recovered but once the time is gone it cannot be brought back. It is really necessary that we all manage time and utilise it properly. We all should respect time. Time is a precious thing of our life.

Time indeed is money.

Time is your personality.

Your success and happiness depends much on the way you handle time.

Time is your life. When you loose control of time, your life too goes out of control.

Time Leakage

• Allowing others to interrupt(telephone calls, visits).

• Not delegating work.

• Taking plenty of time to decide trivial things.

• Working with inadequate information.

• Lacking in a clear sense of priority.

• Lack of proper planning.

• Getting distracted by WhatsApp, Facebook, E- mail notifiers.

Other Time Cancer

• Your own lazy mind- set and immediate pleasure seeking thoughts.

• Tendency to leave it for the next day.

• Thinking that nobody is in a rush, why should I do it in time?

Controlling Time

1. Take log of your time:

Note the way you spend your time in a day, week, month, year over a period of your life.

2. Scrutinize time leakage:

Find out where you waste your time in unproductive activities. Minimise them initially. Eliminate them subsequently.

3. Create time:

Make time by removing time spent on unnecessary activities. Use it for those creative and productive activities that will uplift your life and career.

To do more things in less time and much more efficiently than others, synchronise the real clock with your biological clock.

Using Time Efficiently

Make the most of your time by doing activities of high values and ensure that the time gets utilised in a productive manner. In reality, we cannot manage time, we can manage ourselves, our habits and our relationship with time.

Plan for your lifetime

• Whether it is education, career or relationship, plan for your lifetime.

• Real education is a life - long learning.

• In terms of your career, decide where would you like to retire from?

Convert Time - Stealers Into Time - Gifters

• Time gets stolen from you in long periods of inactivity due to traveling, waiting for events, standing up in queus, etc.

• On a long drive, you can listen to an audio book.

• While on a journey, you can write an article, finish a report, edit a paper, read an important document.



Profile of Ud
Ud  •  4y  •  Reply
Very well written...enjoyed reading it!! please check out my articles too :)
Profile of Manoj Kumar Gupta
Manoj Kumar Gupta  •  4y  •  Reply
Profile of Manoj Kumar Gupta
Manoj Kumar Gupta  •  4y  •  Reply