Remove The Fear Of Public Speaking

Jun 23, 2019   •  31 views
"A good speech should be like a woman's skirt: long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest." - Winston Churchill

There is one art which is more fearsome than death! Aee! , what is it? You will probably wonder. It's public speaking. Speaking before people who are staring at you expecting that you will tell something fascinating and mind blowing. But the speaker is nervous, no one cares about what is delivered. how does the speaker become confident ?

Here's your answer....

Public speaking is simple

It may appear to be difficult but in reality it's simple. Think about it: you have to convey an idea with the help of language. That simple. So what makes it difficult? The fact that people will not listen to any absurd idea presented in any way , makes it difficult.

Public speakingis the process of communicating information to an audience. It is usually done before a large audience, like in school, the workplace and even in our personal lives. The benefits of knowing how to communicate to an audience include sharpening critical thinking and verbal/non-verbal communication skills.

Tips to improve skill

  1. Stay confident.

  2. Speak clearly.

  3. Keep the discussion light with humour.

  4. Make the audience connect with the topic.

  5. Make your point interesting.

  6. Practise a lot before speaking.

  7. Keep a smile on face.

  8. Keep a captivating expression

That's what wikipedia says

Public speaking developed in Rome, Greece, and Latin America. Prominent thinkers in these countries influenced the development and evolutionary history of public speaking. This art form has also been impacted by the contributions of women. Currently, technology continues to transform the art of public speaking through new available technology such as videoconferencing, multimedia presentations, and other nontraditional forms.


Profile of Vikash
Vikash  •  4y  •  Reply
Thanks great readers
Profile of Vikash
Vikash  •  4y  •  Reply
Profile of Gauri Mangal
Gauri Mangal   •  4y  •  Reply
Profile of Sonali Singh
Sonali Singh  •  4y  •  Reply
Nice one