“My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together."-Desmond Tutu

In this fast-paced and seemingly complex world, we often find ourselves leading mechanical and hollow lives. We habitually do things because we have to, not because we want to. We helplessly give in to situations when things seem to not go our way, settle for way less than what we deserve. The mountain of challenges to reach our goals now seems too enormous and steep to climb. In short, we remain trapped by our negative thoughts and pessimistic notions, hanging onto our worst fears and through this vicious cycle, we prevent ourselves from becoming who we’re truly meant to be.

It could be in the loyalty and trust of your dog, who gives you a hearty lick without asking for anything in exchange. It could be in the universe stretched out infinitely that you’ve only read about in the textbooks but can feel, because you are a part of it, as much as it is a part of you. It is these moments that fill your soul with gratitude and remind you to stand by your humble roots.

