Online Poker Is Ruining The Life Of College Students. Should It Be Banned In India ?

Tanzil Mahmood
Apr 15, 2019   •  140 views

Online poker is the game of poker played over the Internet. Poker is a decision-making game and the better you make the decisions, the higher the likelihood that you will end up as a winner. Playing winning poker, therefore, involves making as many of the most correct decisions as possible and at the same time inducing your opponents to make mistakes. The money certainly adds excitement and emotion to the game. If you think poker is all about money, you'd like to win as much as you can. The internet has clearly redefined what poker is all about.

While online poker for most players is convenient, fun, and safe, it also has some serious consequences for many others. A problem now brewing from internet poker is the threat of its addiction. Although online poker has only been around for a short time, many lives (especially among younger players) have already been affected by its addictive nature and the problem continues to grow.

Before going into specifics about the current state of online poker, it should be noted that the internet itself creates many problems for those apt to developing addictions. The internet has certain features that make it dangerous to get hooked to potential addicts.

Poker today is as accessible as it can be. Millions of people are playing poker online or live. The online poker game can bring you into addiction when you least expect it. That's why you need to keep an eye on the possible symptoms before you begin to catch them and make them worse than they might be.

Online poker, in particular, has a rather addictive nature, which often affects younger generations. Students of college age are particularly apt to develop online poker addictions, and many college campuses are starting to face the problem You can see many students playing online poker in a walk around a typical campus in the library, in class, or in their rooms.

Operating an online casino is illegal in many countries. Therefore, in counties where online gambling is legal, a large percentage of internet gambling websites are registered.

Many factors contribute to internet poker's addictiveness. Usually, people don't take their entire bankroll to the casino when playing traditional poker. Rather, they only take the portion they want to lose. But all your bankroll is just a mouse-click away with online poker. Without even leaving your chair, you can transfer as much money as you need, and people feel less pressure under the cloak of anonymity to make sound plays and to temper their spending. Players can make some bad choices and dig a hole so deep that they spent their entire bankroll before they even realize it. Losing players who want to win back their money can go into a downward addiction spiral.

Online poker offers dreams to make a fortune as well. Sites always advertise normal players ' great successes while neglecting to mention the more numerous stories of failure (for obvious reasons). The problem is that players often lose a lot of money and become addicted in the process to "practice" and get better at online poker. It is clear that for numerous reasons, young players are likely to develop an addiction to online poker. But what should be done to curb Internet poker addiction's growing trend?

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