A question that has indefinite answers ,a thought that is ineffable, a case that is sill a mystery and ariddle which is clueless.

It was a usual day , I woke up at my alarm time, dressed up for office crunching my breakfast in taxi .

Good Morning Sir !! A regular wishing and yes I was at my desk .Opened my laptop with a continious mails admonishing of my leftover work and bugs to be fixed. A thought came to my mind .. What is Life ??

Life is phenomenal intricate that even if you spend thousand of years you cannot exemplify it .

Life is the eternal and unbroken flow of infinite rippling simultaneous events that by a fortuitous chain has led to this universe of elements we are all suspended in, that has somehow led to this present experience of sentient existence. A typical answer that google teaches you .

Lets make it simpler ..From the hazy sunshine, to the chirping of birds , to the blue sky to the wavering of trees,to the tickling sound to the everything that surrounds you is life . Life is a moment to enjoy , life is school where you learn , Life isa jouney. Life is a mistake which gives you an experience .Life should not be judged by something that is biologicaly present ,I believe .. Wondering na??

Imagine a music player that helps you to de-stress all your problems is actually a living ??
Imagine a Person who tried to save all his life to buy a new house ... and when he is actually in ..Isn't he happy ..Or is a home a living?? Or lets try in some other way ...anything that makes you happy and ecstatic is actually a living? No ..and here the answer is.......... Life is something that touches you , it is a passion that makes you crazy to leave no stones unturned to fullfill it... .And this is the birth of of dreams . A motive or reason for your life .

Have you ever thought of which is the biggest day of your life ...Umn let me help.. your birthdate, or the day you got your first job....If I were to answer , the day when you come to know the purpose of your life is perhaps the biggest day and trust me you got the key to your lock .Life is not to be esacped out .Life is something which has the meaning . To grow in life you need to unlearn your learnings.Life is something that teaches you an experiences .Life is an art .Life is a challenge .Life isa school where you learn .It is different for different people .Its something which you do it by heart.

Dont live the life of corpse. Remember in chaising your dreams Dont just drag your life from one stage to another.Encumber!! Live your life enjoy every single moment . Remember Life will just pass away in front of your eyes and you'll realise that i forgot to live my life .World exist for you only if you exist .

