In India, women have always enjoyed a place of pride. They have made their mark in almost every aspect of their lives. A lot is being done for their emancipation. An old Sanskrit proverb says that ' Gods stay pleased where women are honored'. Such an important place is given to Indian women in society. In ancient times mother in a family had control over all the things. She used to run the house, make decisions regarding the family. Women were given proper education. They became poets, artists, and even rulers. The Aryan women enjoyed full freedom and equal status with men. They even had access to Vedas. No husband could perform a yajna without his wife taking part in it. In those days women had an honorable place in society.

Women in India at olden times.

Ironically it is in the modern age that women are suffering a lot. They have lost the glory of the past. Modern Civilization is marked by male domination. Many consider that the proper place for women is in the kitchen. Women are the victims of discrimination on the basis of sex. They are treated as inferior to men. They do not have privileges that men enjoy. Women workers are not given wages equally as men. They are not encouraged to join professional that require physical labor. For a long time, it was felt like educating girls is unnecessary to educate girls. There were child marriages. The position of widows was miserable. Slowly the role of women was confined to the kitchen. She became a slave in her own house.

But today Indian women have again come out of obscurity,a large number of girls are being educated. They started fighting for their rights and obtained success. They are seeking work in all fields. They even took jobs that are exclusively filled with men. The Indian constitution has granted equal rights to men and women. There is no discrimination between men and women. Many great women served the country in various capacities.

Elderly women getting education India

The government is also encouraging the uplift of women. Women now enjoy reservation in educational institutions, jobs, and politics. They are doing their best in the Social, Economic and Political life of the nation.

Their contribution to the nation's glory is no way inferior to the men.



Profile of Indu Lekha
Indu Lekha  •  5y  •  Reply
Well written....can u check my articles too
Profile of Vallabhi U
Vallabhi U  •  5y  •  Reply
Well composed ideas! I wrote something on a similar genre. Pls be so kind as to check it out too :)
Profile of Nishu Tripathi
Nishu Tripathi   •  5y  •  Reply
So beautifully written! Please have a look at my articles too! :)
Profile of Anonymous
Anonymous  •  5y  •  Reply
Great. Check my articles too.