Top 5 Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil You Never Knew!

Sreetama Chakraborty
Jun 10, 2019   •  2 views

How else have you used coconut oil besides applying it to your hair? Don't remember? Then check out below the top 5 health benefits of coconut oil you never knew!

  • Improves your brain functioning

The MCTs found in coconut oil also provide “another fuel source” beside glucose that helps in the functioning of your brain and nervous system. High sugar leads to neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s causes your brain to restrict glucose consumption, resulting in general neurodegeneration.

Did you know?

A 2004 study that was published in ‘Neurobiology of Aging’ found that MCTs consumption has resulted in improved brain functioning in patients having milder types of Alzheimer’s. The MCTs may also provide memory-impaired adults with therapeutic benefits.

  • Helps in your weight loss

Coconut oil has medium-chain triglycerides which can increase the pace of your energy utilisation than the other fats. The MCTs found in coconut oil get digested as quickly as sugar in your body.

Did you know?

A 2011 study which was published in ‘National Center for Biotechnology Information Pharmacology’, saw a decrease in waist circumference for about 1.1 inches after 4 weeks of consuming 1-ounce coconut oil daily. The participants didn’t undergo any restrictive diet nor did they exercise. They only had coconut oil in their diet to drop a lot of belly fat.

  • Prevents heart problems

Coconut oil is rich in saturated fats which actually increase your good cholesterol HDL and reduce your risks of heart problems. Coconut oil also has a unique blend of MCFAs, mainly lauric, myristic and capric acids, with special health benefits, including lowering your cholesterol.

Did you know?

A 2009 study published in ‘Lipids’ journal found that coconut oil, compared to soybean oil, decreased LDL and total cholesterol while raising HDL cholesterol.

  • Moisturises your skin

Coconut oil contains vitamin E and many antioxidants. Hence, you can use it as a great skin moisturiser. These properties help prevent any damage to your tissues as skin aging is mainly caused by oxidation. It also has anti-microbial properties to fight acne, staph, eczema and psoriasis infections.

Did you know?

A 2004 study which was published in ‘Dermatitis’ found that coconut oil can increase the lipid and moisture content of people having dry skin.

  • Fights bacteria, fungi and viruses

Coconut oil contains lauric acid which has remarkable antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. These properties make it beneficial for several forms of infections.

Did you know?

A 2000 study that was published in the ‘Journal of Bacteriology’ saw that monolaurin and lauric acid can destroy pathogens, such as the bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus. Dr. Joe Alton says that coconut oil aids in the absorption of other nutrients too, such as minerals and vitamins.

Start having coconut oil in your daily diet to enjoy the all-round health benefits of the multiple wonderful properties of the oil. It’s a simple task, honestly! Do it for your health. Start from today!

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