Love Yourself And The Rest Falls At Place

Sree Sowmya
Mar 04, 2019   •  8 views

When we compare our life with the lower sections, we feel superior and happy but when we compare ourselves with the higher sections we feel inferior and have the little grin on our faces. This is because first we are not satisfied with what we have or we willfully get dissatisfied. When somebody possesses something precious or expensive, we tend to have that little grin on our faces because we don’t have that particular thing. This is why our economists say that human wants are never satisfied and never ending.

We feel satisfied when we are happy and love our life more than others. Loving our life means loving our self and having the self-love. The juice which comes out of a fruit depends upon the fruit; what’s within you will come out when life squeezes you. So here the internal having is as important as the external having and the main essential changes that have to come for the internal having is to love you. You will not be able to celebrate, enjoy or do something in a relationship in life without loving yourself.

The common mistake you, me and all the teenagers and the youngsters do is defining our self by our physical appearances. Don’t define yourself by the color, height or by the external features you possess. This is not you!!Please mind this sentence THIS IS NOT YOU. These are only the surfaces of you, but you are far more than all these things. You just only need to remember, nobody cares about the physical appearances rather they only look into the main content. For suppose, if a person who delivers good speeches one fine day completely changes his attire and goes for delivering a speech. Do you think the crowd will not listen to him? NO!!They will listen to him with the same pace, it’s not the physical appearance which matters it’s only the content which matters. We see many people across the journey of our life and admire them and take them as inspiration is it the physical appearance which made us get attracted towards them or is it the good qualities they possess made us to admire? When we see Mother Teresa, we all say that she is a beautiful lady is she really beautiful? Or the deeds which she had done made her beautiful? It’s all our inner beauty whichreflects to our external beauty.

When you see your grandmother or grandfather you admire them a lot. Is itbecause of their beauty?? Do they really look beautiful at that age of 70’s and early 80’s.Yes in some cases but mostly no in all the cases? When considered no, you feel their beauty from the inner core and it is not based on the looks. You just try to know that as even today when they speak with you with all the broken teeth you love to listen and carry forward the same admiration. Then why in the ages of teen and early twenties you all define yourself by your looks? It’s a fading phenomenon. One day you look like a princess and some other day everything turns up grey. One day you have clear and charming face but some other day it all turns up into wrinkles and a pale face. Life is not same everyday dear pal.

It’s not how a bottle looks from the outside we only care about does it really work well and will it satisfy our needs. Any expensive bottles you buy you need to clean them up after very usage to make it more beautiful. This cleaning up is called self-loving and you need to first make yourself happy of be happy rather than thinking you can make everybody happy in this world or thinking everybody will be happy.Atleast try one thing, be happy and contribute a happy person to this big large world and get self-satisfied and once you feel good about yourself you only release positive vibes around you and all others will also be happy including you. Self-love is gaining self-happiness and this is the first step in the journey of you life. Am I happy with myself? Is the first question you need to put up for yourself when you are starting your life as an individual and entering the world alone.

Learn to love yourself, enjoy your own company in a better way, be happy with yourself and see that the world enjoys more with you right now and you enjoy more with yourself when you start loving yourself. And just remember one thing, do something worthwhile in your life, looks doesn’t matter, but the work you’ve done through your life matters. Self-loving is the best way to discover youself.Feel the internal beauty, you are beautiful in your own way!!!

Next time when you think of beautiful things, don’t forget to count yourself…






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