Virtual World- Touch Of Reality Is Lost...

Souromita Roy
May 23, 2019   •  18 views

A virtual world is a computer stimulated environment, where interaction is mostly through visual, textual or graphic medium by the user. They may appear similar to the real world environment, but it is an unreal world of fantasy. Being impersonal the communication with the user is through text, graphic, visual and voice. Besides providing entertainment the virtual world offers numerous benefits to children. It increases their knowledge $ understanding on many subjects, also making them aware of latest developments in the world.

The audio visual and interactive method of presentation is an effective tool in education. It stimulates learning and retention, which cannot be achieved by the tradition methods. Besides this, the online games usually depict a world similar to the real world, with unreal rules and real time action. The actions portrayed on screen like the car chase or for that matter hunting or shooting provide thrill and excitement, making children spend hours before the computer screen. Latest movies that can be accessed online are another source of distraction. This obsession makes them lose touch with reality. They live in a world of fantasy, ignoring the realities of life. This adversely affects their academics, social life and personality development often leading to serious physiological and behavioural problems later in life.

The virtual world is not only limited to games, but also encompass access to networking sites like Facebook, Whatsapp, Orkut etc. These sites promote socialising across the globe. However, they also distract children from studies. Unscrupulous elements using fake ID are known to use such sites to misguide or con children into criminal activities, which often ruin their future. Besides engrossed in the virtual world, children are known to get addicted to it. Being accustomed to living in a world of fantasy, which is in complete variance with reality. There are numerous cases of teenagers meeting a tragic end by being conned into a relationship, that is based on fraud. There are others who meet a tragic fate trying to emulate superheroes of the virtual world like Spiderman or Shaktiman.

Factually the unreal virtual world is no substitute for real life experiences. Children growing up in the real life environmentare the basic raw material for development as more practical $ realistic. There is therefore need for parents to set an example themselves by spending less time online exercise parental control by installing control devices which prohibit access to inappropriate content. This would not only augment their learning, but would help them develop a wholesome personality.

