Impression Management And Adaptability

Sonali Singh
Jul 01, 2019   •  8 views

Impression management is not about who you are, it is about who they think you are. To manage impressions, you should know yourself, you should be able to control emotions, be thoughtful and prudent, have courage an conviction, observe rules of etiquette and most importantly be positive.

Impression management in an interview

•Wear appropriate interview attire


•Don’t go into the interview knowing nothing

•Review the job posting

•Get the inside scoop

•Check out the interviewer on LinkedIn

•Avoid sweaty palms

•Take a deep breath and then another one

•Go light

•Have a good handshake.

•Share how you’re a great fit for the job.


•Share a story or two.

•Show your enthusiasm.

• Don’t panic.

Convert bad impression into good impression

•Decide whether it's worth sweating

•Stop pretending

•Apologize but don't over-apologize


•Ask for advice

•Be persistent and consistent

•Don't let your imagination run away with you


Stage 1 begins when a change is first introduced, where people's initial reaction may be shock or denial. This manifests by blaming others as they react to the challenge of the status quo.

Stage 2 of the Change Curve: they become critical of themselves. For as long as people resist the change and remain at Stages 1 and 2 of the Change Curve, the change will be unsuccessful, at least for the people who react in this way. This is a stressful and unpleasant stage. It should also be noted that people can waver between these two stages for quite some time.

Stage 3 is where confusion and doubt set it, but it’s a good sign as people are beginning to move on. This manifests in various ways but people will shows signs of doubt and confusion.

Stage 4 is Acceptance Rationalization - people stop focusing on what they have lost. They start to let go, and accept the changes. They begin testing and exploring what the changes mean, and so learn the reality of what's good and not so good, and how they must adapt. It is useful to be cautious at this stage of people sliding backwards into doubt. This can be common.

Stage 5 is Solutions and Problem Solving, people not only accept the changes but also start to embrace them. They begin to rebuild their ways of working. Only when people get to this stage can the organization really start to reap the benefits of change. It is here that new job descriptions, ideas and innovation now blossom.

Stage 6 is the change is now starting to become “normal” or the beginnings of routine and status quo. Learning can now be captured through a review process and feed into the next cycle of change. Individuals have a greater awareness of how to respond to change and begin to build the personal development aspects of this. This stage is the one you have been waiting for! This is where the changes start to become second nature, and people embrace the improvements to the way they work.

