The Key to Ultimate Peace...

Happiness is the feeling of satisfaction in our lives. It is a sense of contentment, joy and well being. It is the attainment of divine peace in our lives. When people achieve something great in their life they feel happiness. But the real meaning of happiness can't be explained through words it can only be felt. Words fall short in defining happiness.

Readers, the first question that would have arose in your minds would be "what a common topic Smriti has come up with, happiness ? But dear, everyone has a different story, thoughts and feelings.

According to Ipsos Mori survey of more than 16,000 people worldwide, it is found that 77% were happy. After some years it was found that happiness rate has increased in some of the countries like, 88% in Sweden, 85% in Australia and 83% in US and India. So what is the basic happiness for humans? Is it getting enough money from someone or watching a movie in the cinema? According to me and my readers I think the basic happiness for the humans is the life we are living in and for this we should always thank and show gratitude towards God for giving such a happily miraculous life. But sometimes happiness is introspecting ourselves as introspection will enrich our lives with rejoice and happiness. It ensures that apart from running with the crowd one should find time for himself/herself and try to find the reason to become happy.

Yes, its true sorrow and happiness are the wheels of life. But being in sorrow doesn't mean that this is the end of happiness as this is our life and we are the writer of our life so, let's write a new chapter beautifully and peacefully by enjoying each and every moment of our life. As it is said, "Be happy not because everything is perfect. But because you chose to focus on the perfect moments." According to me happiness is to love and be loved. Once Martin Luther King said," Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend." So lets spread love and happiness. Therefore, here are few tips to achieve happiness. So, first of all happiness can vary person to person it could be reading books for some and writing for others. Some of the tips are:

The Ultimate feel of Peace and Bliss

Meditate daily as it relaxes the mind and help rejoice the soul.

  • Do those things in which you feel happy but don't take it in a negative way because happiness finds a way in good things.

  • Make your parents feel happy about you as their smile is your ornament. So respect them.

These are some of the tips that I feel will make you happy but the real happiness has its own way. You can find happiness in the way you feel like. But remember happiness is not in faking someone instead it is in helping, so do try to help someone. Because in the times of temporary bonds and fake people be someone's permanent reason for a genuine smile.
Lastly, be happy and make others happy as life is too short in spending time to hate someone rather spread love and joy. Readers, I guarrantee you that soon you will find happiness as the ultimate peace if you try to follow these small and common tips.

So ,"Keep smiling and one day life will get tired of upsetting you."

(Image source: Google)



Profile of Rakshita Upadhyay
Rakshita Upadhyay  •  5y  •  Reply
hey you wrote well.keep it up.please check my profile and like my wrytups
Profile of Preeti Bisht
Preeti Bisht  •  5y  •  Reply
Literally.. Well wrote smriti.
Profile of Sachin Garia
Sachin Garia  •  6y  •  Reply
Beautiful 🤩🤩