India is often considered as a land of obscure mystery. For centuries, travellers from around the world have come to India to witness the mystical energy that surrounds the country. More blurred the information that is known about a place, more is the curiosity and mystery surrounding it. India is a country that has quite a few places that conceal a treasure of ancient mythological significance, old charm, and mystery for the bold and intrigued. Often the road less travelled takes us to the most memorable places. You might have planned a trip to various tourist places in India like Agra, Jaipur, Shimla, Goa, etc. Now, take a look at these mysterious places in India that will let your imaginations run wild.

1.Bhangarh Fort, Rajasthan

Located on the border of the Sariska Reserve in the Aravali range of hills in the Alwar district of Rajasthan, Bhangarh Fort marks its position in one of the most Haunted and mysterious places in India. Standing at the edge of a forest, the spooky stories surrounding the fort just refuse to die down. The story that explains the mystery of this place is of a magician who fell in love with the princess of this area. He decided to cast a spell on her in order to make her fall in love too. However, the princess planned a way out and found a way to kill him. Before dying, the magician cast a dark spell on the palace. This is the reason for the destruction of this place.

2.Dumas Beach, Gujarat

If you ever Google “Most haunted places in India” you will definitely find the Dumas Beach of Gujarat in the list. According to locals and investigators, the beach was used as a burial ground for long and hence is home to several tortured souls. People have heard whispers of other people talking when they were alone on the beach. There have been some reports of people going missing. Some people do believe in the haunting of this beach and some don’t. If you wish to explore this beach yourself, be cautious!

3.Kodinhi-The village of twins, Kerala

Kodinhi, a remote village in Kerala's Malappuram district, continues to invite the wits of researchers. According to estimates, there are at least 400 pairs of twins in the village with a population of 2000 families. The first twin birth occurred in 1949 and ever since then, the number has only kept increasing with time. The place has been subject to a lot of curiosity by doctors and scientists to determine factors that might be responsible for this phenomenon. They are yet to determine the reason and have cited the chemical composition of the water as well as the diet of the women of the area as possible factors.

4.Vrindavan Gardens, Uttar Pradesh

Nidhivan in the Land of Krishna, Vrindavan is an enigmatic place. According to the devotees and locals, Lord Krishna visits this place every single night and conducts his Raas Leela. No one is allowed on the premises post evening aarti. Even the animals and birds that are sighted here all through the day also leave the premises in the evening. According to legends, the trees in this garden supposedly transform themselves into ‘Gopis’ or women who herd cows, and then they sway and dance with Lord Krishna as he plays the flute. Alas, those who have attempted to witness this phenomenon have lost their sight, speech or even worse mental soundness.

5.Kamakhya Devi temple, Assam

Kamakhya Devi Temple is located on the Nilachal Hill in the capital city of Guwahati. The deity of the temple, Kamakhya Devi is respectably known as the ‘Bleeding Goddess’. According to popular belief, this is one of the Shaktipeeths. It is where the yoni or the genitals of the goddess fell. It is observed that every year during the month of Ashaad (June), the Brahmaputra river near Kamakhya turns red. It is believed that the goddess ‘menstruates’ during this period. While a large percentage of people in India continue to remain aloof when it comes to speaking out loud about menstruation and the issues faced by women, this temple celebrates one of the most natural biological processes.

6.Hazrat Qamar Ali Darvesh shrine, Maharashtra

Can faith really move mountains? Can belief really melt huge mountains? Well, faith may not be moving mountains but it’s definitely moving a rock weighing over 70 kilograms. Located on the outskirts of Pune and 16 km from the main city of Mumbai, Hazrat Qamar Ali Darvesh Dargah proves it. The rock, believed to be immovable the rest of times and cannot be lifted by anyone else, can only be picked up by a group of 11 men chanting the name of the saint. According to some historians, the rock is over 800 years old and has been in the shrine since the beginning. Science has failed to provide any explanations for this happening.

7.Shani Shingnapur- Village with no doors, Maharashtra

Shani Shingnapur is a village in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra where villagers eschew security because of their undying faith in Lord Shani, the god of Saturn, who is considered the guardian of the village. According to legends, about 300 years ago, after a bout of rain and flooding, a heavy black slab of rock was found washed up on the shores of the Panasnala River, which once flowed through the village. Later that night, Lord Shani appeared in the dreams of the village head, revealing that the slab was his idol. As per his orders, the slab was kept in the village. Shani then blessed the leader and promised to protect the village from danger as he would reside there from thereon. From that day onwards, Lord Shani is the guardian angel of this village. There are no locks or doors in any of the houses. Shocking enough, even the public toilets in the village just have a thin curtain for privacy. It is believed that if anyone would attempt a theft here, they will immediately be punished by Lord Shani and turn blind.

8.Karni Mata Temple, Rajasthan

Bikaner is not only famous for its camels, forts, and kachoris but also the Karni Mata Temple that is popular as ‘the rat temple’. The temple is famous all over India for having 20,000 black rats that live in the temple and are revered. These rats, called as “kabbas”, are considered as holy. There are many legends about this temple. According to one legend, Laxman, son of Karni Mata, drowned in a pond in Kapil Sarovar in Kolayat Tehsil while he was attempting to drink from it. Karni Mata implored Yama, the god of death, to revive her son. Initially, Yama refused to help. But eventually, he permitted Laxman and all of Karni Mata’s sons to be reincarnated as rats. Every year thousands of worshippers make pilgrimages to the Karni Mata Rat Temple to worship the rats and heal their ailments.

This list clearly shows that India is home to some of the top mysterious places in the world that will leave you in awe. It all depends on us if we believe in these mysteries or not. But there is certainly something that is beyond science and our imagination. So keep exploring!



Profile of Neha Kumari
Neha Kumari  •  4y  •  Reply
Profile of Shuchika Biligere
Shuchika Biligere  •  5y  •  Reply
This is a beautiful article Simran.
Profile of Simran Kumar
Simran Kumar  •  5y  •  Reply
Thank you Shuchika :)
Profile of Anil Shah
Anil Shah  •  5y  •  Reply
Awesome article...
Profile of Sayantan Lahiri
Sayantan Lahiri  •  5y  •  Reply
Very well written