Many animals in the world are known by their capacity of producing toxins and poisons naturally which they use for their defense and as well as defeating their prey, while some of these creatures store poison in their belly or any other part of their body, from the materials they feed on.

Let’s have a look at these poisonous creatures.

Hawks bill Sea Turtles

They feed on various varieties of prey, including poisonous agar agar and spongy insects and that's why their flesh also become poisonous.

Any person who feeds their flesh have to tolerate the pangs of its poisoning, as well as they show symptoms of sickness,cold and some other stomach complaints. These turtles are poisonous just because of the spiculesc(glass like spines) they possess.

Spanish Fly

It is none but a pustule beetle which produces a poison named as Cantharidin to safeguard its life from its life seeker..

When human body comes in contact this fly, it's poisonous content is absorbed by our skin, and causes terrible pustuling and painful feeling of burning.

If someone eats this beetle, then it even causes cysts bleeding throughout the digestive course, and can even take the life of the person.

Rough Skinned Newt

It is the most poisonous amongall three species of salamander family. They basically possess enough tetrodo toxin in their flesh and kill most of the attackers and as a warning sign it produces strong smell.

One newt contains enough toxin to kill 25 mice. Only garter snakes are immune to their poison. If anyone eats this newt mistakenly, then he feels like that he is not sensing any thing throughout the body as well as have to face cardiac arrest too.

Puffer fish

Skewer of puffer fish contain hazardous toxins relating to nerves. Puffer fish contain large amount of toxin so that it can kill 30 humans easily, and till date scientist has not been able to find any antidote to its poison.

However, meat of some species is considered as tasty and delicious, but it can be life taking if it is not prepared in supervision of a licensed chef.

Asian Tiger Snake

When it comes to Asian snake, it is remembered just because of being poisonous and venomous at the same time. When threatened by a predator, it bows its neck toward the predator and releases the contents of paired nuchal glands that lie in it's dorsal skin.

Studies on snakes show that, it became poisonous by seizing toxins of venomous toads, as well as it accumulates poisoonous substance which it obtains from the skin of toad.

Hooded Pitohui

This bird generally contains some neuro toxin in its skin and feathers, and that is called as homobatracho toxin. When ever it comes in contact with human body, it causes slight numbness and prickiling in human body.

This bird is quite dangerous for smaller animals. Although it looks beautiful, it is poisonous. It is believed that its poison generates from the beetles, which are being consumed by this bird.


Seeing above examples, we can clearly declare that poisonous creatures can be found in any shape and size, shapes and colours. We can not define a particular prototype for them.

