Our dependence on artificial articles, race to be more powerful than other country, making our respective nations nuclear power of the globe are seriously devaluing the worth of environment. We are continuosly destructing habitat, vegetations, depleting all natural resources without thinking how our coming generations are going to survive.

I would like to mention three major mistakes made by humans ever, which were done either mistakenly or to show their strength.

NuclearBombAttack (Japan)

Black day in the history of globe, marked as August 6, when world power USA decided to destroy entire city of Hiroshima by dropping nuclesr bombs over the city. They didn't stop there. On August 9, 1945 they dropped another nuclear bomb, this time in Nagasaki and immediately cleared ninety percent of the city and killed approximate one lakh people at one go.

Approximate fifteen thousand tonnes of TNT was being exploded in these two cities. Due to this tempearature reached at alarming level and acid rain too was noticed in these cities.

There was a sudden growth in rates of cancer, leukaemia was common among al patients and the pregnant women who were exposed to bombings gave birth to affected children while some of them faced mscarriages.

Bhopal Gas Tragedy (India)

Disaster struck on the night of December 2, 1984. Because of faulty safety mechanisms, water accidentally entered into a giant tank filled withmethyl isocyanate. Due to reaction of chemicals and formation of gases, suddenly build up the pressure and resulted in bursting out of the factory. Approximate, thirty to forty five tons of toxic gases entered the air.

These gases were heavier than the atmosphere, rather dissipating high in the sky, they formed a dense cloud of poisonous fumes at ground level and were trapped by the winds heading straight for Bhopal. Many were immediately affected.

Apart from the deaths of human, over two thousand animals were killed by the gas that night.That heavy gas was absorbed into local rivers, making the water undrinkable and poisoning the fish. Many crops were also affected by this gas.

Chernobyl Disaster (USSR)

It was a nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April, 1986 as a result of a flawed reactor design that was operated with inadequately trained personnel. Many attempts were made to shut down the reactor entirely but another power surge caused a chain reaction of explosions inside. Finally, the nuclear core, itself was exposed, ejecting radioactive material into the atmosphere.

An area of about four square miles became known as the “Red Forest” because many trees turned reddish brown after absorbing high levels of radiation.

Side effects seen after this incident were the problems of cataract and albinism among the people living there.


At this stage, we need to be very careful and alert, not to repeat accidents like these again, if it ever happened, then, of course, entire world is going to suffer.

