A Novice... Should Never Mind

Shyam S
May 13, 2019   •  77 views

Blogging was the one thing I always thought of doing. But , Certainly just like anyother person out there I was held back by the fear of failure,criticism or other's Disapproval and this was in my mind for quite a long time. What i have realized now is this is a true sign of a Person's immaturity. " Ironically, the most immature people think that they’re really mature" it is a problem that needs to be addressed. With time and experience you really will not worry about getting JUDGED by someone who barely knows you.

YES, Being in your very own Circle so called your Comfort Zone is easy and with time you will realize its effects on your Social life and it could also have a drastic effect on your character. Something ,one should remember is . "THE EXPERT IN ANYTHING WAS ONCE A BEGINNER " . So, this one is to all those out there held back from pursuing their dream just because you cant face the negativity and criticism thrown at your face , its high time we wake up its our life we owe it a lot better . " WE LIVE ONLY ONCE ,BUT IF WE DO IT RIGHT , ONCE IS ENOUGH" . Dont forget.... Beginning is always the Hardest Part. So , I have started mine... Hope you will see more of such stuffs from me .


Have a great Day.

