Stay Clean Mentally And Physically- Gingivitis

Shweta Dubey
Apr 02, 2019   •  85 views

We have heard a famous proverb, Cleanliness in next to godliness. However, do we really look forward to it in the case of our gums. Be cautious regarding your health as your ignorance could lead to a fatal disease.

About: Gingivitis is basically the swelling inflammation in the gums and first stage of periodontal disease. The main cause of gingivitis is the accumulation of plaque which is the sticky layer of bacteria which constantly forms on our teeth due to junk foods. The bacteria enter between the gums and releases toxics which irritates our gums leading them to inflammation an infection. Gingivitis is primely characterised by bleeding swollen gums and bad breath due to inadequate oral hygiene, hormonal changes, smoking or due to any illness.

Steps to follow to prevent Gingivitis-
-Do monitor your gum health.
-Regular check-ups and cleaning of teeth is important.
-Visit your dentist if any irritation persists in teeth and gums.

According to the nutritional Examinational Survey severity of periodontal disease is more among males from age group of 50-64 years.


Gums in a good condition are attached to the teeth, held firmly and pink in colour. Nevertheless, the one with Gingivitis are

-Puffed up and bulgy gums
-Bad breath or Halitosis persists in severe form inside the mouth
-Bleeding gums while brushing teeth or eating food
-Dark-hued red gums
-Sensitive loose teeth
-Purulence separating the teeth and the gum area.


Home remedies: One must always take care of their teeth and gums to maintain oral hygiene. Avoid smoking, relying on sticky foods and Reduce sugar consumption, drink maximum amount of water and brush regularly to limit plaque build-up. A mixture of baking soda and peroxide reduces bacteria formation between the teeth.

Medicinal Procedure: Scaling removes the tart and laser helps in curing the bleeding gums. Consult your physician for antibiotics as azithromycin can be used to prevent teeth against bacteria. Chlorohexine containing mouthwash can be used to fumigate mouth.

Surgical Method: Flap surgery in which gums and teeth are made to clean in order to free them from plaque formation. Bleeding gum treatment, inflammation treatment and Bone and tissue grafts can be used to heal person suffering from gingivitis.

Therefore, to maintain your overall personality its efficient to maintain hygiene. It is said that people do judge you by your looks and the way you groom yourself. Gingivitis is one of those disease which people generally ignore in their hectic schedule. And as we know it is necessary to stay clean mentally as well as physically. A clean body keeps us healthy and away from the doctors thus, saves from the medical expenses and time loss.

