The Principle Objectives Behind Flexible Manufacturing Systems - The Pawns Which Are Necessary For The Game.

Shreyas Aravind
Feb 16, 2019   •  795 views

Objectives of FMS :

A study, carried out with West Germany manufacturing has shown the major aims of installing an FMS to be:

  1. Decreased Lead Times

  2. Increased Through put

  3. Increased machine utilization

  4. Improved Due Date Reliability

  5. Decreased Store Inventors Levels

  6. Decreased Work in Progress

  7. Increased Quality

Aims of FMS :

  1. To reduce costs

  2. Better utilization of the production equipment reduction of stocks (ex: Work in

  3. progress—capital shorter through put times)

  4. Reduction of piece part unit costs.

  5. To increase Technical Performance:

  6. Increased production levels

  7. Greater product mixture

  8. Simultaneous product mixture manufacturing

  9. Integration of the production system into the factory’s logistical system

  10. Smaller batch sizes

  11. Shorter or zero change over or reset of times

  12. To improve Order Development

  13. Shorter lead times/delivery times

  14. 14. Determination of production capacities

  15. To assist future Corporate Security:

  16. Increased Competitiveness

  17. Increased Quality

  18. Improved Company Image

Principle Objectives of FMS :

The principle objectives of FMS are:

1. To improve operational control through:
a. Reduction in the number of uncontrollable variables.
b. Providing tools to recognize and react quickly to deviations in the manufacturing plan c. Reducing the dependence of human communication.

2. To reduce direct labor:
a. Removing operators from the machining site (their responsibilities activities can be Broadened).
b. Eliminating dependence on highly skilled machines (their manufacturing skills can be better Utilized in manufacturing engineering functions).

c. Providing a catalyst to introduce and support unattended or lightly attended machining operation.

3. To improve short run responsiveness consisting of:
a. Engineering changes
b. Processing changes
c. Machining downtime or unavailability d. Cutting tool failure
e. Late material delivery

4. To improve long-run accommodations through quicker and easier assimilation of:
a. Changing product volumes
b. New product additions and introductions c. Differentiation part mixes
d. Increase Machine Utilization by:
i Eliminating machine setup
ii. Utilizing automated features to replace manual intervention
iii. Providing quick transfer devices to keep machines in the cutting cycle
e. Reduce inventors by:
i. Reducing lot sizes
ii. Improving inventors turn-over
iii. Providing the planning tools for JIT manufacturing

Advantages of FMS Implementation :

  1. Faster, lower-cost changes from one part to another which will improve capital utilization

  2. Lower direct labor cost, due to the reduction in number of workers

  3. Reduced inventory, due to the planning and programming precision

  4. Consistent and better quality, due to the automated control

  5. Lower cost/unit of output, due to the greater productivity using the same number of workers

  6. Savings from the indirect labor, from reduced errors, rework, repairs and rejects

Disadvantages of FMS Implementation :

  1. Limited ability to adapt to changes in product or product mix (ex. machines are of limited Capacity and the tooling necessary for products, even of the same family, is not always feasible in a given FMS)

  2. Substantial pre-planning activity

  3. Expensive, costing millions of dollars

  4. Technological problems of exact component positioning and precise timing necessary to process a component

  5. Sophisticated manufacturing systems

