Rajasthani art is the purest and finest form of Indian art.

Rajasthan means Rajas (Kings) and if more accurately explained, it means Rajyas of Rajas (kingdoms of Kings).The whole Rajasthan was influenced by the Mughal attacks except Mewar did not came under there control till the last. So, Rajasthani art started flourishing in Mewar and later on it was spread to Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kota, Bikaner, Ajmer and other cities of Rajasthan.

Origin of Rajasthan Art

The art is also called Rajput art as it was originated and developed under Rajput kings (means Royal Kings). The Styles were based on Hindu literature and mythologies. Artwork were inspired from music, poetries, religion and local culture. It also involved religious followers like Sur, Tulsi, Meera and their poems.

Mewar is an important influence of Rajasthani art, even today some of the paintings are very popular. Most of them depicts the love scenes of Radha and Krishna.

Bani Thani one of the most popular Rajasthani painting.

Features of Rajasthani miniature art-

• Nature has been beautifully painted; it includes trees, flora, mountains, lakes in a well arranged manner.

• Only Krishangard Rajasthani style has paintings of beautiful women and court dancers. Detailed garments and jewelry designs were common.

• Religious symbolic paintings like lord Krishna and Radha were really popular. Sacred and symbolic paintings were important.

• Bright glowing colors like red, yellow, blue, white were used. Rhythmic and graceful strokes enhanced the look of the paintings.

• Folk art is prominent in all Rajasthani paintings. People dancing, enjoining festivals, marriage rituals were also painted.

• Night scenes and landscapes were painted in a very attractive manner; black or smoky grey backgrounds were used with glowing white, yellow and golden colors giving an enhanced look.

• Garments were drawn with detailed patterns and were highly decorative with traditional Rajasthani clothings.

• Royal hunting scenes, festivals, crowded scenes were are painted. Rulers loved to show their power through paintings.

• Human figures were mostly painted with side poses. All painting were profile means half faced paintings.

Some most popular paintings are Maru Ragini, Bani Thani, Radhika. These paintings have harmonious contrasting features that adds charm to them.

Rajasthani art was also popular in wall paintings and decorations. All the houses and buildings had beautiful patterns which is still a prominent style. People draw beautiful Floral patterns, human figures, animals like cow is very common to be seen. Art and craft of Rajasthan is all popular all over the world.



Profile of Shreya Jindal
Shreya Jindal  •  5y  •  Reply
You are right! I really love diversity in Indian culture
Profile of Sadhna Bansal
Sadhna Bansal  •  5y  •  Reply
to see India is to see rich rajasthani culture