We are always told that we need to control the green monster in our life, which is usually envy. However, we forget that the biggest monster in our life is stress and because of this, most of our self care, at least with respect to mental health, goes to schist.

We saw what happened to Banner during the first few Avenger movies. That leads us to believe that someone so intelligent and composed like Bruce Banner, could also be stressed upon so much that he lets the volatile rage monster of Hulk consume him.

Look at him. He looks like the softest human nerd, who is always genuinely help people. And then there's the Hulk, who always wants to smash things.

The solution? We need to become Professor Hulk, where we bring in the Bruce Banner in us which the stress and life is dandy.

While stress could be a definite method to get work done, because the looming threat of the deadlines and appraisals lurk in our jobs, it does have side effects like any other drug. Further, stress doesn't just have to be related to academic or work pressure, as there are various triggers in our social environment that add to it too. There is peer pressure, familial pressure, self satisfaction, rejection, social status, acceptance, egotistical satisfaction and the drive to get to better places. It isn't necessary that a person feels all of these at the same time, or is affected by them, although stress is the common denominator.

Stress in the initial periods, or to those who fare well, works really well. They get a lot of work done, they excel and they push themselves through the hard time to emerge victorious. We've focused so much on only this that we forget about burnout and overworking, which not only take a toll on your mental health but on the quality of product that you've produced as well.

Stress is one of the biggest killers in our minds today. It makes us lose consciousness about sleeping, eating and proper human interaction, which is what keeps us sane. Almost 75 percent of visits to psychological health professional come off on stress, or a by product of it, which is overworking.

Most of the time, this is how it looks.

The American Psychological Association specifies that stress causes 6 chief ailments in the body, being heart disease, lung ailments, cancer, liver cirrhosis, accidents and suicide.

Stress isn't worth all of that. Ever.

However, there are some things that we can do, that could help the cause. Little things. It's hard to plan when things spring up at odd times or you just can't control them, but for such things, there are things that you could do.

  1. Not everything has to be completed right away. Everything has its own pace and time. Sometimes, things don't happen and it is okay. It will eventually be okay. life isn't going to freeze just because you haven't finished the task.

  2. Accepting the worst that could happen in those scenarios. This is one of the biggest issues out there, because more than the job itself, people get stressed out at their proficiency at it. The thought whether they would succeed at it in the first try, is more stressful than any deadline itself. Because if that doesn't happen, the self doubt and feeling of being a complete failure that follows it is too much to handle.

  3. It is common to crave for food during stressful times, however stress eating is not beneficial.

4.At the same time, depriving yourself of sleep or food isn't going to achieve the end result. Sometimes, it may prove helpful, as digestion often does slow you down, but that is why you don't start working immediately after eating. Take some time off. Relax for a bit and then when you get some energy back, start working.



Profile of Drishti Talwar
Drishti Talwar  •  5y  •  Reply
I really like the way you have discussed the points..Have a glance at mine also.