Make Everyday A Better One

Jan 21, 2019   •  18 views

Every day when we wake up there's a sense of how our day might go. Some days we feel too energetic from the moment we wake up and feel all positive and happy.

And some days, we are too lethargic to even get up from our beds. We show unwillingness to enter the day. With this negative energy, we tend to take everything that happens during the day to be bad and negative. And this is carried on for the next day too.

What do we do to this?

May be there's something that might help us overcome this.

Here's a few tips you can try that may help you face the day with a real bright smile and not just the pretended one.

1. Make a goal at night and go to sleep with the intention of waking up and working towards the goal.

The goal can be big or small. This goal will make you look forward to the day. And make sure this goal is something that you probably like. This won't tire you while you work.

2. Before you go to bed write down the things that have been troubling you through the day, this way you don't have to carry it for the next day too.

When you write it down, you've taken it out of your system. You can worry about that later without disrupting your sleep. When you sleep well, naturally you wake up well. And the day's spent well.

3. After you wake up meditate for sometime.

You can choose anything else that calms you. But stay away from all your gadgets. No social media usage and do not think about the past day.

Look forward to the goal you set previous night and get ready for it.

4. Once you dress up, smile at yourself looking in the mirror. The brain recognizes smile and influences your mood to become a happy one. Smile is infectious. So once you're in a better mood, you'll definitely have a better day.

5. Cook yourself your favourite breakfast and eat it in peace and to your heart's content. When you aren't hungry, you tend to think better and act better. So good food is a must, especially breakfast.

Well, follow these, and you're all set to living a happy and better life.

Good luck!

