Startup india launched by the government of india is an initiative to nurture young startsups and innovations which will ultimately lead to better economic growth and also enhance the employment opprtunities in india. With the view of meeting all the objectives of this intiative government has laid down the action plan that is divided across the following areas:

  • Simplification and handholding

  • Funding support and incentives

  • Industry-academia partnership and incubation.

Youngsters nowadays have great ideas and new business stratergy which obviously would be quite difficult to implement without any support whether financial or in terms of providing incentives, so this intiative plays a great role in instilling confidence among youngsters that they can put forward their ideas instead of keeping it in their minds and work on it and that there are ready opportunities to help nurture it further. startup india has not only improved the economic growth but has also proved to be a blessing for unemployed peopleand has widened its range from technology to agricultural, manufacturing, education and healthcare sectors as well.

We often hear that social media has somehow negative effects, but it has been a major platform for young minds to startup their business ideas and the example is online business. Not to be mentioned it is one of the best marketing strategy for any company as it a medium through which people socialize ,interactand communicate and this has turned out to be the way of reducing gap between businessand their customers. Social media if used in an effective way can lead our country to a much better path, advertising your product on different sites like facebook, twitter, instagram and many other can help you achieve a mark of brand and can have a deep effect on your business. Also, the feedbacks and the suggestions about the quality of your products or services will let you know the image of your company in a market, hence you can help your customers bysolving their issues , or you can also try some new techniques or ways to get connected to your customer. It also helps in keeping an eye on every move of your competitor so that you can always be a step ahead of them in every possible ways.

Startups like flipkart, snapdeal ,bigbasket, urbanladder has already set a benchmark and are currently the most follow-worthy. So its not like the path to stratup begins with a grand success at first, it has a struggling phase which the youngsters has to face and overcome it thus becoming the inspiration and better version of themselves.Consistency is important for busdding entrepreneurs as it helps in achieving their goals by working everday on small loopholes of their stratups. Being resilient helps in coping up with the setbacks during the journey to have a successful business.Hence, youth with new startup ideas should always keep themselves inspired and motivated in order to succeed in their business.

