Have you ever heard someone saying, “Be aware your karma will teach you.” People often get confused and consider Karma as a bad thing. Karma never just meant our past deeds. It always featured our present and our future deeds. Parents have always taught - 'Whatever you do will come back to you'.

Consider a situation - Someone harms you. You in revenge, hit them back. Now what is the difference between you and that concerned individual? You could have easily left it on Karma and continued your way. You practice good deeds and avoid temptation. Karma isn't only about negative things that may have happened. It also talks about one's good deeds like for example, if you genuinely helped someone without any hidden intention, someday or other, you will also receive a return gift. It might be a help when you require or anything likewise. Remember every single deed - good or bad, gets written in our account.

How people treat you is their Karma, how you react is yours. Karma is like gravity, so basic, that we often do not even notice it. Stephen Richards once said, “Karma simply put, is an action for an action, good or bad” Even the holy Bhagavad Gita mentions the meaning of Karma stating - 'Everything lies in the intention. The intention behind an action is what matters.' Doesn't matter what others do to you... send them your love, good thoughts and positive energy.

What goes around, comes around. Life deals in this way itself. When a bird is alive, it eats ants. When the bird has died, the ants eat it. Circumstances can change anytime. The law of Karma says that we get what we deserve - no unjust suffering but no easy escape for any wrongdoing.

