Tea - The most commonly drunk beverage after water.
Indians are emotional by nature and they associate everything with the emotional intent and avoid statistically measuring andanalyzing data. These two sentences might seem very abstract but in sooth, are really connected. Indians share a very close bond with tea. Tea has been the most favourite beverage of Indians since time immemorial. We share an intimate relationship with tea and boast proudly of the benefits that we have of it. Not without reason have we heard people say that an accidental discovery of such a drink changed the entire course of the morning routines of mankind. Why do I say so? Because every morning, when the rays of the sun wake you up and it's time to start off the day afresh and anew, we look out for something that shall enthuse a bubble of energy within and pick up our tired and weary souls. This is where tea comes into the picture. Tea is our much needed energy giver and one go to stop for rejuvenation and refreshment.
Tea is said to have originated in China when the leaves accidentally flew into the cup of the Emperor Shen Nong. Being one great herbal discoverer himself, the Emperor gave rise to the concept of drinking this mildly sweet tasting brew. Tea is used on a large basis in Asia, particularly towards the East. There are several different types including black, oolong, green, and white. They all come from the same plant, Camellia sinensis, but the difference lies in how the leaves are treated after they are harvested. The cost of tea goes anything from a small, paltry amount to hefty amounts depending on the types of treatment and garnishing that they are subjected to.
In India, Tea gardens are extensively found in Darjeeling, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Assam etc. In all these states, Tea forms a part of the major income source and is also exported to various other countries. Tea has umpteen health benefits, being an anti oxidant. Primarily, green tea is a particular variety that has tremendous healing powers. There are many compounds in green tea that contribute to its potential healing benefits, such as flavonoids and catechins. These compounds offer antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, and even anticancer properties. Green tea has also shown positive results in aiding weight loss, preventing tooth decay. Therefore, it does not come across as a surprise when you see people really passionate about drinking tea.
I personally, love to drink tea and have always been a keen taster of its varieties. After all, a cup of tea makes everything better.