Young adults in relationship are often questioned about marriage, but in in this 21st century this question is irrelevant as compared to before. More and more couples have decided to stay together without getting married with the rising popularity of live-in relationships. And all thanks to Bollywood, cohabitation before marriage has seen a rise in popularity. Though still not accepted by many, still live-in relationships and the idea is accepted by many young couples and has its set of believers.

Well, being in a live-in relationship essentially means living together without tying the knot of marriage. Couples prefer to live together as husband or wife without getting married, for many reasons like testing compatibility or sharing expenses. They share a home and financial liabilities, have a sexual relationship, but without the stamp of marriage. Let’s take a look at some of the pros of live-in relationships.

One of the primary advantages of a live-in relationship is that it offers to check your compatibility with your partner. While living with someone, we get to see the real personality of the person, which is impossible on a date as we look great and behave well on a date. People can be variant when they live together than those few hours date, through which you can make an informed decision. If there is a lack of compatibility, it’s definitely better to find that out before getting married!

A live-in relationship offers more legal as well as financial independence, than marriage. In a live-in relationship, one has the liberty to decide how much one would spend and mostly all the expenses are paid jointly. While that in marriage all financial decisions are joint exercise. In addition to this, one could save a lot of money by living together .One can save those cafeteria and dinner bills too. Also if you are on the mode of ending the relationship, you aren't involved in legal procedures like divorce.

The responsibilities of marriage are fixed by convention rather than capability as per the custom sets of old aged practices. Live-in relationships are devoid of rituals and customs, so all responsibilities are based on capability rather than convention which are divided equally between the couple.

Since both the partners know the fact that anyone of them may end the relationship quite easily, they put more effort to keep it going. The lack of dependence on each other makes both of them work hard on relationships. Respect and mutual trust are the major factors in these kind of relationship.

In a live-in relationship, couples are free from societal diktat and norms which are encompassed in a marriage. Couples are independent and have the freedom to live life as they want. There is no burden of impressing each other's parents, so one can maintain their personal space without making any compromises.

Like a country in India, where the rate of divorcees is very high, people have looked down upon live-in relationships. When things don’t work out and you feel like walking out, you can easily walk off as you aren't bounded any legal and social obligation.

There is a bonding on a deeper level in live-in relationship as compared to married couples as there are no burdens of commitments and responsibilities. In marriage all efforts are taken for granted wherein live-in relationships partners respect the struggles made by their partner and appreciate them for who they are.



Profile of Ud
Ud  •  5y  •  Reply
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Profile of Sayali Kawade
Sayali Kawade   •  5y  •  Reply
Thanks. Sure
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Rakshita Upadhyay  •  5y  •  Reply
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Profile of Sayali Kawade
Sayali Kawade   •  5y  •  Reply
Thanks. Sure