Charles Dickens, in his statement "There’s a wisdom of the head and there is a wisdom of the heart" refers to a phenomenon commonly referred to as wisdom. Wisdom, that has nothing to do with knowledge, is a special intuition that can not be taught but developed through experience. You can see things and analyze the data provided, so this logical process definitely belongs to the brain, right? But the enigma is that you can also feel things. For this reason, people begin to suspect that wisdom may be inherent in the heart. But, didn’t we learn that heart is just a pumping organ that helps us survive? Unless, our heartbeat produces wisdom, which it doesn’t.

The role of two friends:

The brain is said to think reasonably or prudentially, while the heart is accountable for the moral processing or the emotional viewpoint. The wisdom of the mind is when you go through every pro and con of a situation, while the wisdom of the heart is when you decide to just go for it without envisioning anything at all. The only thing common between the two is the lesson we learn.

Listening to your heart, especially if you’re under any kind of pressure or an unstable state of mind, is likely to hurt you or lead to damaging outcomes. On the other hand, letting your mind have the final say in every decision will turn that voice into a negative voice. Overanalysis may lead to paralysis, indicating, thinking too much about everything puts you in a behavioral prison where you no longer have access to a stable state of mind.

So what should you do?

The verdict has been passed, the only glass slipper that'll fit this Cinderella is the one where the heart and the mind go hand in hand. This inner harmony would enable a clear sense of what one desires and how one can accomplish it. While taking a decision, one must consult both, their conscious and the unconscious mind. John Muir once said,"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." Similarly, when one consults these acquaintances, they only benefit from it.

All things considered, this harmony of the heart and mind implies how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary.

