1) It's okay to not have everything figured out.

Life is scary but you're too hard on yourself. Not everything is as sure as death and taxes, and that's okay. You will not know what the next step is every time but that's life.

2) Thinking about is not doing.

Doing involves risk but it’s the only way to make progress. Paths are made by walking, not waiting.

3) Be loud.

People may be critical but do not let that shrink you. Be brave, blunt and speak your opinion. It's people that speak up, that make the world a better place.

4) The same God who formed the stars holds your hand, even in the dark.

Life takes you to different places; turns that you might not even like. But, it's the people that hang on that make it to the end of tunnel. It's them who become the light everyone hopes to see.

5) Don't be a social chamaleon.

Stick to your beliefs. Don't try to be something you are not. The right people will love you for what you are and what you believe in, not the opinions you change with your changing crowds.

6) Your mistakes do not define you.

What you learn from them, however, does. Life is not so much about your achievements as it is about what you overcome. Sometimes, the journey is better than the destination.

7) "Anything's possible if you've got the nerve"- JK Rowling.

Don't quit. Every loss leads to an opportunity, and every adversity leads to new possibilities.

8) Things won't always feel this bad.

Take a look back at all the things you were sure you wouldn't be able to overcome, people you thought you wouldn't be able to live without. But hey, guess what, you did. You did this before and you will do it again. You've got this.

9) Don't subconsciously dehumanize people you disagree with.

Every single person you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something. You don't know what they've lived through. Be patient and then act.

10) You often seek validation from the wrong sources.

You will never find your worth in another human being, no one else but you. All the validation you need is within you.

11) You're a galaxy.

You're a system of millions or billions of stars, together with planets and dust, held together. You don't ever deserve to be half loved. No one, not even you, should forget your worth.

12) You can't quit negative thoughts.

You can only change your response towards them. The most powerful weapon you have against stress is your ability to choose one thought over another.

13) No one wins at chess by only moving forward.

A step back is just a step towards the correct path to win.

14) Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm.

Your fingertips swell from all the times you forgot about yourself and gave away what was yours.

