Greg McKeown once said that if you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will; and let’s be honest, isn’t that one’s biggest fear?

We have all these dreams to fulfill, all these goals to achieve but it takes courage to pause, sit back and really question yourself, is this your dreamthat you’re working for? Is this the job you wish you were doing or have you, like many others, become what you swore you’d never be? We’re sure all working our lives away to ‘make it’ or to ‘get there’ but where on earth or what on earth is that something we’re trying to get close to?

It’s easy in today’s world to fool others, in fact, it’ll be for the better for everyone to describe themselves as witted fools, for we have all convinced ourselves that there are things that need to work out.

But get this, it’s not a requirement to 'do it all' because it’s not about doing everything you’re given, it’s about doing the right things. You can do anything but you cannot do everything.

"When we surrender our right to choose, we give others not just the power but also the explicit permission to choose for us.”

One should realise that sometimes refusing to deal with certain things or being unavailable for certain issues is not a compromise they make, it's certainly a requirment. If doing something is not a firm yes, then it's a simple no.

As awful as this is going to sound, sometimes their problem doesn't need to be your problem. Forcing people to solve their own problems is equally beneficial for you and for them. They learn how to deal with hurdles and you learn how to prioritize.

image source: google

What should you focus on?

There are too many choices, too many problems but most importantly, too many people that will try to tell you what's best for you.

Of course knowing what's best for you isn't a simple task, but one should not underestimate the power of small wins.So, start small and new. Include things in your schedule only when you convince yourself that it'll bring you something good.

Apply the 90% rule; apply a single criterion and score your tasks/thoughts, if it's anything below 90, it can be looked at later and is a simple zero for now.

Slowly, this becomes a habit.You're now excluding tasks as if you're on autopilot but the bigger picture is that you get space and time to grow, to think and to focus.

Don’t try to adapt multiple routines at the same time. Start with one change in your daily or weekly routine and then build on to your progress from there.



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Moneyplant Investments  •  4y  •  Reply
Definitely the best thing I've read in a while!