Before starting this,I would like to acknowledge my readers that whatever here written is given in the basis of a prose work written by G.K Chesterton. Here,with reference to the present conditions,I have tried to make the point Chesterton tried to make."There has crept,I notice,into our literature and journalism a new way of flattering the wealthy and the great"- said G K Chesterton in his work 'The Worship of the Wealthy'. This is a flawless work by Chesterton as it kind of looks like a prophesy that he made before 1936. Through this the writer points out the pseudo-journalistic ideals of the modern media and press and so here with the help of Chestorton's this prose work I would like to point out this pseudo-journalism.
On a daily basis we see these so called apolitical interviews and these fake news which are used for influence of certain political parties. These media hubs have grown so big that it's now impossible to stop them as now even we people also need fake news. Chesterton then in his work compares the methods used by the old flatterer and the new flatterer.
Chesterton says that "The old flatterer took for granted that the king was an ordinary man,and set to work to make him out extraordinary. The newer and cleverer flatterer takes for granted that he is extraordinary,and that therefore even ordinary things about him will be of interest." Doesn't this method look familiar?
The media has propogated this agenda of portraying a powerful person to be simple,modest and honourable by showing off their daily routines and make us feel that the person who has been portrayed is a really simple or modest person.
Even after watching the apolitical interviews given be Hon'ble PM Narendra Modi and Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar in which it is quite visible that they have taken the simple parts of the PM's life like his likes and dislikes and how they make it sound extraordinary. For instance, after watching the interview even I felt that such a simple person he is,but it took time for the fact to grow up on me till I read this essay. For example,people just went awestrucked over PM's favourite fruit which is co-incidentally is mango. They make a buzz out of it and the news goes on trending and even we readers become impressed. But when someone who spotted the flaw already,asks us why our answer is because he eats mangoes. They made a buzz out of it that even this simple thing sounded extraordinary.
According to Chesterton these words like simple,modest,humble and many more of great meanings lose it's meaning by it's constant use. Even here the PM was called, to be simple for eating mangoes. So the point am trying to make is that if eating mangoes symbolifies simplicity,then consider most of us being simple. Through this usage of these words insignificantly and in a countless manner,deteriorates it's meaning.
We should also acknowledge the fact that empowering the righteous way of journalism is the only way how we could do so. The media should be given it's liberty back, it's liberty of asking questions and it's liberty of asking answers,than producing this pseudo-journalism and using words like saint,pure,priest etc. in places where the words are insignificant.