There are days when

These thoughts come in my mind

What if you knew

That I have started loving you

There is no way

For you to find out

I am going to keep it a secret

Without any doubt

For I am afraid

To break my heart

For I am worried

To give all this a start

I feel at times

Let it all be

The way it is

Let it all be

The way it seems

Let only one heart

Go through the pain

And suffering

The pain which

Love causes

I don’t believe

That love lasts long

But it’s after effects do

And so, the mind is not ready to get along

With the concept of love

Overthinking stops one

From doing temporary things

Because one tends to think

And analyse about each and everything

A thousand thoughts just run over a blink

I do overthink

I know we won’t have

What they call

A future

I know we can’t be


Why to begin something

Which is already concluded

Why to start a journey

Which has already ended

You are crazy

For you made me too

Without even knowing

That you did

I am crazy

For not letting you know

What it takes

To be around you

And still not

With you

I so want to tell you

And I so want to not

I so want to be with you

And I so want to not

Love brings confusion with itself

And so for me

It has brought

There is no bond as such

Between us

But there is a bonding

Which I know

I have to try unknowing

The vibes you give

Those beautiful vibes

I have not got before

The vibes I am trying to escape

At the same time wanting those vibes

Even more

You have created a me

Different than what I wanted to be

The truth is in front of my eyes

But I don’t want to see

Love is necessary

In order to understand

How far can someone go

In love

Love is required

In order to experience

The overflow

Of feelings and emotions

Love is wanted

In order to escape

The routine of being lonely

In life’s journey

The trouble here is

Love occurs suddenly

without any prior notice

Being around you

Is going to make me

Nervous as hell

It is nothing but

Your presence

Which will make me forget

Everything else

That power is crazy

The power which brings

Two people around each other

The power which creates

Unexpected likings

The power which makes

People fall in love

When I question myself

The reason for liking you

Even without knowing you so much

I get convinced by irrational answers

As if I don’t care

About the rational ones

Is this what happens in love?

When I tell myself

That I want to forget you

Even without creating memories any

It sounds sad

But also funny

And that I am scared of love

Reasons are many



Profile of Aarti Nandrekar
Aarti Nandrekar  •  5y  •  Reply
Wow ! Great article check out mine too
Profile of Rakshita Upadhyay
Rakshita Upadhyay  •  5y  •  Reply
hey you wrote well.keep it up.please check my profile and like my wrytups
Profile of Khushi B
Khushi B  •  5y  •  Reply
Amazing! ♥