Introvert Vs Extrovert- A "Text" Conversation

Sampada Belose
Jun 15, 2019   •  31 views

E- Hey where are you?

I- I left because there are too many people in the party

E- But it is your house and our "birthday" party

I- It was so sudden, I was not prepared for these many number of people coming. You should have told me yaa

E- Are you serious? Why are you so shy?

I- No I pretend to be one because I don't like anyone of you

E- Sorry?

I- That was an example of how Introverts use sarcasm. And I was kidding

E- You type fast, you don't talk so much on the phone

I- Yes, typing is better than receiving a call and talking. I would rather listen to the ringtone

E- That's not how a real conversation happens

I- But who wants to converse right now

E- That was rude

I- A little less than what you said before

E- So introverts debate too?

I- Stop stereotyping

E- Are you always like this or anything special today?

I- Today I have got the privilege to chat with you hence today is special

E- That wasn't funny, improve your sense of humour

I- My intend was not to make you laugh

E- Shut up, come back its your birthday we'll teach you how to have fun

I- That depends on what your definition of fun is

E- Send me your live location, I'll come there to pick you up

I- Nope Extroverts can't reach here

E- You are super boring, it is your birthday and I am convincing you to enjoy your day? Like why?

I- Thanks for the compliment but no I am not convinced

E- So you'll come back when the party is over and people leave?

I- Yessss

E- ...

I- Stop typing, go and enjoy the party I'll be back soon

E- That's not happening, come back


E- Why you doing this?

I- Because you my dear "Extrovert" twin... you told so many people to come over when you had a better idea of how I wanted to celebrate. With a new book on my desk and a coffee mug beside.

E- Don't you forget it is my birthday too

I- Yeah I know so please you enjoy your day, I'll be fine here

E- People here are confused how can twins be so so so different?

I- What does similar faces have to do with behavioural aspects?

E- Okay fine, you be there alone I'll be here with everyone, I'll ping you once they leave

I- You could have said that before. Why do you like talking sooo much?

E- BYE :)

